Chapter seven.

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"Where are we going!" I exclaimed when I saw him.pass my street. He ignored me and continued driving.

"Excuse me I'm talking to you" I glared at him. He still ignored me.

"How rude" I huffed and closed my arms looking out the window.

20 minutes later we were pulling into a driveway of a beautiful home more like mansion.

I gasp as I looked at the beauty.

I turned and looked at Jayden who was already looking at me making colour rise to my cheeks.

"Whose is this" I asked sofly.

"Mine and temporary yours" he said. I looked at him confused. Then I realized that he was talking about the place the principal said we had to stay until the project is over.

"You're actually going to take part in this project" I said surprised. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Don't be to flattered" he muttered and climbed out of the car.

"This is really your house" I said gazing at its beauty, the simple yet elegant look.

He didn't answer me and just walked towards the door I quickly got out of the car and walked towards the door. The moon shined brightly as the dark sky towered over us reminding me of what time it really is.

When we entered it was like heaven with a massive staircase we had one at home, but my mom had no emotions in her system that everything was this plain white colour inside our home it didn't have any homey touch to it but his dark brown and cream staircase did.

Jayden toured me around the house and at first he was stiff and harse but gradually he became comfortable we even shared a laugh and I saw another side of him. It was refreshing. He actually was nice still flirty but the thing is I didn't know if I didn't like it or

If I did.........................


"Okay so students you all know you'll be collecting your baby tomorrow. I want no one late we all have to be there at 10:30 sharp is that clear, good, now of you go" principal Franklin said.

Today was a normal day, they both went to a party got drunk and had a hangover, this was a normal thing. I didn't care that they went to a party without me, I actually cared when they did ask me cause I'm not into the whole crowd I mean I do go sometime but they go ALL the time I cannot do that, plus I don't drink and if I do go I'll have to take care of them and last time I had puke all over me so I think I'll pass.

While walking out the school's hallway to go home I saw Jayden surrounded by by a whole bunch of people. This is a normal thing. I knew he wasn't at the meeting the principal held so I had to tell him the time we had to arrive at the orphanage.

"Um excuse me" I said pushing myself into the group of girls to get to Jayden. I finally got to him and his attention slowly rosed on me. I saw him glare at me and I instantly took a step back I hated that look he have me, how can he be so calm around these sluts but with me he's just mean and hateful. I felt my heart sank at the thought. Last night he was different though and I felt a small smile replacing the frown as I remembered.

"What do you want nerd!" he sneered. Well I guess back to being a jerk. I felt alittle hurt but I could get over it. My smile slipped off.

"I came to tell me that we need to be at the orphanage by 10:30am." I mumbled feeling my shyness kick in as I felt everyone's eyes on me. It was not a good feeling. I hate to be centre of attention.

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