Chapter 3

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After that, he was pretty quiet till we reached a sexy red sports car. I internally squealed. I'm gonna be riding in that. Don't get me wrong we do have some pretty cool cars but we never bought a sports car cause my mother thought it was to dangerous. So we stuck with the BMW's and so fort.

But I'm not really surprises with his cat choice, I mean a sexy car, for a sexy guy right. Wait what the hell Bethany, where the hell did that come from.

Jayden Black is not sexy, okay maybe alittle. Urghhhh why did you do Thai to me god couldn't you give me a ugly kid, at least I wouldn't feel so intimidated. Ugh I hope this month's pass by quickly.

"Where do you live" he asked not do politely.

"24 Orchid Street" I answered.

"Ok get in, and do not touch anything" he said harshly. I flinched slightly at his tone. What I'm not accustomed to peolpe yelling at me, maybe my mum on mornings but that's different.

"Ok" I said quietly not wanting to find his anger more.

We drove done the roades in utrer silence, well not drove cause what he was doing was not called driving, it's called asking for death.

When he pulled into the reserved area I looked for my house.

"Ok stop by the brown and cream two story house." He just nodded without glancing my way. Then car then made a screeching sound and my body jolted forward indicating we've stopped.

"Uh....thanks for the drop do you want to come inside for a snack or something." I asked politely.

"Sure, whatever." He replied and shut of his car.

WHAT!!!!! I was shocked he said yes. I mean the only reason I asked was just to be polite I didn't expect for him to say yes. It was just the nice thing to do.

We both walked along the long pathway as I took out the remote to open the gate. We continued walking and I locked back the gate, the door was usually open as the maids came different times of the day.

I walked into the kitchen and stood awakardly not knowing what to do.

"Didn't know you were a Richie princess" he said as he looked around the house.

"Yeah well no one does" I said and tucked a piece of hair behing my ear. Looking at the floor as it became my best friend.

"So uh..... Do you want anything to drink" I asked and looked up, finding him already looking at me making my stupid blushing syndrome start again.


"Okay so what do you want to do"

"I ahve a couple things in mind, but I thought you asked my in to talk about the project or whatever." He said and jumped up on my counter. Isn't he just peachy. I rolled my eyes at him and sat on the chair acrss form him crossing my legs. I saw his eyes flicker to my exposed legs and I immediately unfloded them and placed my hands on then covering it away from his wandering eyes.

At my action I saw him smirk.

"Okay so um....where are we staying to do the project" I asked and started at him.

"I don't know know you pick." He said and strugged. Urghhh!!! I swear to god this guy is stupid. How are we supposed to converse when he's only nodding, or asking me to do it.

"You know you need to help right." I glred at him. She glared back and jumped of the counter clearly enraged.

"Listen here princess no one uses that tone with me! and fuc*k! why did I have to get you for this project they could've given me someone more bearable!, I mean look at you, you're so uptight and you keep giving me these stuips comebacks, you know girls would be dying to in in your place right now but look at what you're doing, talking" he snapped. I felt my blood boiling and that not a good thing.

"So what the hell do you want me to do asshole! Sing, dance, what the hell did you think I invited you in for, a tea party!" I snapped back and stood up with my hands on my hips. Who die she feel he is to talk to me like that.

"Honestly, I thought we were gonna hook up, you kinda look like the type of girl to do that!" he spit back harshly

"What the hell! I am not like those sluts you hang out with Jayden don't! even. compare. me to the kind of girls you hang out with! Asswhole!" I yelled clearly hurt that he would think something like that. I am sure I don't look like a slut.

I was breathing reaaly heavily as we both glared at each other until I broke it.

"Get out!"

"What" he asked with both his eyebrows up.

"Are you dumb, I said get.out!" I hissed.

"Gladly!" He growled out and stomped of slamming the front door making me jump. He slammed it so loud I thought it would fall off any minute now.

I angrily picked up my bag and stomped of hearing the maid coming in.

Urghhh!!! Why him why him. He's such an inconsiderate jerk. I walked upbro my room and dropped myself on my bed.

"Shit my life!" I said out loudly and closed my eyes.

Please god let tomorrow be a good day.


The Baby Project Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora