Chapter 23

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I was at the cafeteria eating lunch with Amy and Natasha, I didn't know where the guys were.

"Oh my god! Mark is coming this way" Amy whispered. Seriously, Mark was a really smart kid and not only was he smart but he was not bad looking either I mean he was no Jayden Black but- what the hell Bethany stop thinking about him. Ever since that day he acted all mushy with me he just.........stopped I guess I mean he no longer said hurthful things but he didn't say anything either.

"Hey Bethany" he said shyly and pushed up his glasses alittle.

"Hey Mark" I said and smiled. He was so cute.

"I was uh....wondering if you would uh.....well if you wanted to um....-" his stuttering was cut off.

"If she wanted to fucking what! The answer is no asswhole now scram" Jayden popped up out of no where and snapped. What the hell he did not talk to the guy like that!

He was glaring at him and me. What the hell did I do.

"Mark forget him, continue" I said sofly and smiled at him encouraging. I heard Jayden's ragged breathing.

"Well there's this new exhibition at the museum and I know how you liked historical stuff and my dad has extra passes so I was wondering if you would want to you know maybe....come.....with me" he spoke nervously. I smiled at him.

"Of course I'll come, just message me the time and place still have my number right" I said sofly not wanting to drive the voy to more nervousness with 5the ragging beast beside me.

"Yes of course well um...I'll see you" he said and smiled before walking away.

I tuned back to my friends and rose my eyebrow as they looked scared.

I them felt a hand grasp my arm. Ouch!

"What the fu*k was that!" Jayden growled pulling me up from my seat and getting in my face.

He seriously just did not man handle me in front of my friends.

"What!" I glared at him. His jaw clenched and his nose flared. Hw suddenly pulled me walikg to the exit of the cafeteria. Seriously is anyone seeing this, why don't they help me.

"Jayden what the hell! Let go!" I snapped.

He dragged me until we reached the hall. He let go of my worst aggressively and then turned around glaring at me. I held my worst to my chest. His grip was really tight.

"Why the hell were you fu*king flirting with another guy RIGHT in front of me!" He snapped walking towards me and I took cautious steps backwards.

"What do you mean, I wasn't flirting Jayden I was just being NICE! maybe you should try it sometimes!" I snapped back and scowled at him.

"Nice, nice you call that nice I call that fu*king flirting!" He growled and my back hit the lockers.

"Well that's your problem, what's it to you anyways" I scowled at him. His jaw clenched.

"What's it to me, I have made myself fu*king clear to you that you're mine! What dint you understand!" He growled and put his arms at the side of my face.

My heart started beating faster.

"Stop with the cursing! And I'm yours I'm not a freaking property Jayden!" I snapped. I was so glad everyone was at lunch and the halls were empty.

"You're mine get that in your head" he hissed slowly and brought his mouth by my ear. Tears suddenly rosed.

"You don't even look at me at home yet you claim you own me" I said sofly and looked down. He doesn't want to treat me right but no on else should.

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