Chapter 6

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Dedicated to myheartsmistake because I accidentally discovered Take Me As I Am and it was funny as all hell.

Chapter 6

Becca and I had a thirty second stare down before I finally gave in. I sighed and stepped into the bathroom to change.

All three of them – Becca, Jenny and Allie – squealed with happiness when I stepped out.

Becca handed me a pair of diamond stud earrings and a dainty silver bracelet. I stepped into my shoes and walked up to the mirror.

"You look ..." Becca was smiling like a loon and I really couldn't blame her.

A girl with common-as-the-cold brown hair and light brown eyes was usually the sight that greeted me when I stood in front of the mirror. But right now, the girl in the mirror was actually quite ... pretty.

Her hair was pulled back into a loose knot of curls at the base of her neck and a few shorter strands were tucked behind her ears. Her makeup was light –soft, muted brown eye shadow, pale pink blush and dusky rose lips.

Needless to say, the dress was the real show stopper.

On Becca, it might have been a modest length; but since I was three inches taller, the skirt just touched mid-thigh. It clung to me like a second skin and was covered in sequins and beads –silver up until my waist and a bright aqua blue below. Every small movement made it sparkle and shine and, apart from a two-inch band of sequined and beaded fabric, my back was exposed from my nape to my just above my tail bone.

"It reminds me of fish scales," I laughed.

Jenny rolled her eyes. "Come on, Sara, it looks really good.You look really good."

"It kind of reminds me of the ocean, though," Allie mused. "Hey, either way, you'll fit right into the theme."

Becca was looking very pleased with herself. "You do like it, don't you? No lying, Sara."

"Well ... I guess it's alright," I gave her a warm hug. She didn't have to help me today but she did and the polite thing to do was to show her some appreciation.

Besides, the dress might be different but I'd been looking for a way to not be so boring. Maybe looking like a crossover between a disco ball and a fish was the way to go.

"Louis is waiting downstairs," Ginny was standing by the door and she had on a very smug look on her face.

I was growing tired of everyone's smug smiles so I ran downstairs, as fast as I could in heels, to say hi to Louis and finally leave.

Becca, however, insisted on a mini photo shoot before we left. "Who knows when you'll be dressing up again? Plus, your parents will want to see pictures when they get back tomorrow."

Since I could barely walk straight in heels much less drive in them, Louis was driving my truck to the dance. Allie entertained us on the drive with a horrible rendition of the Taylor Swift song that was blasting through the radio.

Allie and I waited with Jenny outside of the gym entrance while Louis went to park the car. The three of us were shivering slightly in the cool night air.

"I wish we'd brought jackets," Allie said for the third time.

"It's not like we can leave them at the coat check, Al," I reminded her. This was a high school dance in the school gym, not at The Plaza.

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