Chapter 8

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Dedicated to BrittanyLeigh8 because so far, I've read three things she's written and every single one was awesome.

Allie Smiles (Brittany Robertson) in the sidebar.

The song Addicted to Me by Click Five (check the sidebar) isn't really related to the story but I  had it on repeat while I wrote this chapter.  For that, I thought it merited sharing.

Chapter 8

"Do you want to have lunch with me?"

I figured the question was meant for someone else so I just walked straight out of my History classroom and into the hallway.

"Hey! Hey, Sara! Didn't you hear me?"

I'd already gotten ten feet away but I turned around. "Theo?"

Sure enough, Theo was quickly walking up to me, one hand twisted in his wavy black hair and a glint in his hazel eyes.

"I-I asked you to lunch but I don't think you heard me." He looked ... nervous.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something," I lied. "Sure, I'll have lunch with you."

"Great." His face broke into a wide grin.

"So why the sudden invitation to lunch?" I asked. I picked out a ham and cheese sandwich and a bowl of chicken macaroni from the semi-appealing cafeteria selection. I scanned my student ID to pay for my food then we walked off to the vending machines and dispensers to get drinks.

He shrugged. "I had fun last Saturday. I mean, I had fun talking to you."

"Yes, because the whole two minutes we talked was very interesting." I laughed.

"Well, it was. Like I said, brains and -"

He didn't get to finish what he was trying to say because a cup was suddenly making its way between us.

Out of shock, I lost the grip I had on my lunch tray. For a split second, all I could look at was my food lying on the cafeteria floor. Then I realized that the front of my shirt was drenched and I now faintly smelled of oranges.

"Holy cow. I'm so sorry!" a kid was rushing up to me. From the looks of him, he was still a freshman. He caught sight of Theo standing next to me with his letterman jacket. "I-I'm sorry. Really, I didn't mean to – I just tripped!"

"It's ... It's fine," I told him before he could start another round of apologies. With another apologetic glance, he rushed back to his friends.

Theo followed the kid with his eyes. I would have placed my hand on his arm to reassure him that I was really okay but right now my arms and hands were sticky with fruit juice and pulp.

"The kid said he tripped. It happens – in fact it happens to me a lot. That's why I never place my drinks in a cup." I smiled when he managed a short laugh. "Maybe we could have lunch some other time? I have to change into something less ... fruity."

He looked at my white shirt that was now decorated with large orange spots. "Raincheck for tomorrow?"

I smiled at him then made a beeline for the cafeteria doors. In the girl's bathroom, I dropped my thankfully juice-free messenger bag on the floor and pulled off my shirt. With the help of a few damp toilet paper wads, I was feeling remarkably better.

I looked at myself in the mirror wondering if I it was OK to walk to the gym in a camisole that very nearly matched my skin tone. I wasn't entirely familiar with the school dress code but I was pretty sure my camisole was pushing it. Right now, it would have to do until I could get to my gym locker where I kept a few spare shirts.

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