Chapter 13

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Dedicated to TheRealZ for coming up with "Chompers" and for telling me I need to work on using more details when I write. Feedback is love, people.

One Direction's What Makes You Beautiful in the sidebar. Why? Read on.

You're going to either love me or hate me for this one. But I had a lot of fun writing it and it had to be done.

Chapter 13

Saturday morning, I woke up to the loud slam of my bedroom door.

I bolted upright in bed. "Hngh? Wha -? Huh?"

Standing in the doorway was a fuming Adam. He looked like he'd just rolled out of bed – and rather unhappily at that. "Your phone has been ringing for the past half hour," he grunted.

I blinked. "It's Saturday, I didn't set an alarm," I mumbled and snuggled back into my comforter.

Half a second later, Adam pulled the comforter off of me. "Hey!"

"I said your phone was ringing. I didn't say anything about your stupid alarm. Someone's been calling you for the past half hour," my brother stormed out of my room.

I blinked one more time. "Oh," I murmured, too late for him to hear.

My sleepy fingers reached for my phone that, last night, I'd placed in the speaker/charger dock on my bedside table.

No wonder Adam was pissed. Any noise my phone made would have been magnified ten times .

Before I could click and see who'd left me 22 missed calls, my phone started ringing again.

"Answer it!" Adam yelled from the hallway.


"Finally! God! What'd you do to your phone, Preston? Lock it in a soundproof room? Did you drop it in a well? Did you shoot it out to outer space?"

"Good morning?" I lamely answered, snuggling back into my comforter.

"What? What the fu -?"

"Excuse me," I yawned. "Before you start swearing, can you please tell me who I'm talking to?"

"It's Pitt."


"What the -? It's Julian! Do you turn your brain off in the weekends?"

I groaned. "Stop shouting."

"I'm shouting, Preston, because I've called you one million times, left about a hundred texts and I haven't even heard a squeak from you!"

I placed the phone on top of my ear and closed my eyes, hugging my pillow closer to my chest. "How'd you get my number anyway?" I mumbled.

"That's what you're -?" he screamed. "Preston, get up! Get up right now!"

"Leave me alone," I whimpered.

I heard him sigh.

"Preston, I've been standing outside your house for thirty minutes and you were supposed to meet me an hour ago."

Well, that certainly woke me up.

I jumped out of bed and shrugged on a sweatshirt over my tanktop and sweatpants and managed to tame my bedhead into a half-decent ponytail.

No more answering the door in my PJs, I reminded myself.

I flew down the stairs two at a time and rubbed my face raw with the sleeves of my sweatshirt to get rid of any bodily fluids that could have crusted up on there.

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