Chapter 19

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Dedicated to zinc369.  Evan Moore is her prize for winning the mini mini contest. I luff him already, I hope you do too.

Picture of Sara's outfit and Evan Moore (swoon) along with Brandi Carlile's The Story to go with the chapter.

Chapter 19

My eight AM Saturday morning appearance in the kitchen caused what can conservatively be described as an uproar.

It was public knowledge that Sara Preston never got up until ten on the weekends. It was also public knowledge that Sara Preston didn't wear a dress unless extremely necessary.

Right now though both of those things were true.

Mom and Dad, who were seated at the kitchen table, took one good look at me and frowned at each other. Their coffee and toast lay forgotten and ignored. When Adam and Becca stepped into the kitchen minutes later, they shared similar looks of disbelief.

What added even more strangeness to it all was that the four of them were still in bathrobes and pajamas. I, on the other hand, had already showered and was dressed for the day.

They watched in silence as I prepared and ate a large bowl of Koko Krunch.

Dad finally cleared his throat and and voiced the question everyone was asking after five minutes. "Sara, what are you doing up so early?"

"Since I'm not allowed to drive myself anywhere for a week, Louis is coming by to pick me up at eight-thirty," I smiled before placing another spoonful of chocolate cereal in my mouth. "I still don't get that by the way. I only have a bruised shoulder and a sprain – granted, it hurts like hell – but I'm not an invalid."

"You should be resting, sweetheart," Mom said worriedly.

"I had more than enough rest yesterday, Mom," I politely reminded her.

My parents – along with Adam and Becca who took the day off work – made sure I was neither bored nor stressed out yesterday. Thankfully, I am part of a rare breed of teenager that actually likes spending time with their family.

Mom kept a steady stream of chatter throughout the day as Dad roped us into playing a round or two of every board game in the house. You'd think after buying his fifth property in Monopoly or the third triple word score he got in Scrabble, he'd stop cheering as if he just won the Superbowl. Then again, my father's eternal childhood fascination with board games is just one of the most lovable things about him.

Throughout most of the day, Adam and Becca were engaged in a heavy Walter vs. William debate over what to name my future nephew. No matter what I, Mom or Dad had to say, neither one of them budged from their name of choice and the day ended with them still at an impasse. Still, it was fun hearing them argue of which nickname – Willy or Wally – was more adorable.

Mom frowned. "Yes but Dr. Tarver said -"

"He said I needed rest but that wasn't a pass for me to duck out of schoolwork," I pointed out as I chewed on my last spoonful of cereal.

"Sweetheart, it's Saturday. There isn't any school today," Dad looked at me like I needed to have my head checked again.

It took me a couple of seconds to understand what he just said but when I did, I started laughing. "Dad," I said when I finally had a break between giggles. "I know it's Saturday and that there isn't any school today."

"Well, then, I'm sure Daniel will understand if you postpone your date until next week," Mom pleaded.

"Mom, I'm not going on a date with Daniel. I have a project to finish today with Julian."

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