Chapter 14

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Dedicated to SmirkingJerk for making the pretty cover/banner you see to your right. Ain't it pweddy?

Details for a mini mini contest (and the chance to get to make your own WHOLE character and get free publicity) in the A/N after the chapter so READ ON!

Press le VOTE button :) I know you want to XD

Sidebar song: Friends, Lovers or Nothing by John Mayer. This song is actually related to the chapter.

Chapter 14


What the -

One minute, I was in the middle of a dream about French fries dipped in Nutella and the next thing I knew I was staring at the dark after waking up to the unmistakable sound of breaking glass.

I groped around for the phone on the speaker/charger dock on my bedside table.

Pressing the home button, the screen flashed: 12:07 A.M.

Mid-groan, I noticed how cold my room had suddenly become. I looked around and the curtains to my room's only window were fluttering.

After hearing a million and one CSI stories from Jenny about how murderers crept into people's houses through second-storey windows, I always kept mine closed. So why would it -?


Well, now the crash made sense.

I turned on the flashlight on my phone, put on my bedroom slippers and slowly made my way to the window. Sure enough, there were shards of glass on the floor beneath it.

"Sara," I heard a voice hiss from outside.

Side-stepping the debris, I squinted into the darkness. "Hello?" I called out in a whisper.

"Sara! Hey!" a voice replied.

Even through my sleepy haze, I knew who that voice belonged to.

"Nate?" I looked back at the shards of glass on the floor. "Did you just break my window?" I hissed

It was too dark to be sure but it looked like he was smiling nervously. "Yeah, uh, sorry about that. I tried to throw pebbles – I must have thrown twenty but you didn't wake up. So I tried a bigger pebble and well, you know," he cleared his throat. "I was wondering if you could come out for a while?"

"Couldn't this wait 'til tomorrow morning? I had a long day, Nate," I whined.

"The last few times I came over to talk to you, you always had something going on. I figured early Monday morning, you'd at least be free," he explained.

"That makes no sense," I replied in a flat voice.

"When have I ever made sense?" he laughed.

I sighed. Deranged as his methods were, at least he was trying, I told myself.

"Meet me by the back door in ten minutes," I told him.

I went to the kitchen, grabbed the broom and dust pan and quietly ran up to my room to clean up the mess.

I thanked whichever deity was watching that Adam, Becca and Ginny were just as much heavy sleepers as me. The idea that a crash from inside my room not waking any of them up would bother me any other time. This just wasn't one of them.

Putting on a sweat shirt over my wife beater and drawstring shorts, I crept back to the kitchen and opened the back door to find a nervous-looking Nate waiting for me.

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