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"Jesus what happened to you? Did you fall out of a window or something," I laugh.

"Y-You have n-no idea," Tweek twitches.

I step aside, "After you."

He walks inside, "N-Nice place."

"All the houses look the same," I say.

"I-I know I was b-being sarcastic."

"No you weren't," I laugh.

He looks around, "W-Where's your friend?"

"Turns out Token can't come because his parents needed him for something 'urgent', so he had to stay home," I said rolling my eyes.

"'s j-just us?" He says avoiding eye contact.

"Yep," I say popping out the 'p', "I ordered pizza from Whistling Willie's, we can eat them while we watch...RED RACER!"

"O-Oh um, a-alright," He says standing awkward like.

I mean, he's always awkward but this time he looks almost...uncomfortable.

"Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes! Why w-wouldn't I be--AH!"

"'Cause you're shaking more than usual. Have you like never been to a sleepover before or something?" I ask sitting on my couch.

"Yeah I h-have..." He says scratching behind his head.

"And it was fun right?" I ask trying to make him less shaky.

"N-No, it w-wasn't actually," He says.

"Oh," is all I can say, "What happened? Their cat died while you were there? Shit that happened to me once at Clyde's house--it was tragic--"

"I-I'd rather not t-talk about it," He says finally sitting down on the couch too.

"Uh, alright," I said.

We watched the first episodes of Red Racer and I could tell Tweek was enjoying it but I couldn't stop wondering what exactly happened at the sleepover.

Like I can't just forget about things, I'm a curious boy.

Then the doorbell rang and I shot up.

"PIZZAAAA," I said running towards the door.

Pizza's my favorite food.

The pizza man, who is also the ticket guy at the movie theatre, showed up holding the boxes of pizza.

This guy has too many goddamn jobs.

"$15," He slurs.

I reach in my pocket and bring it out to give it to him.

"Where are your parents? Why are you ordering pizza by yourself?" He slurs again.

"Well, I'm 14...I can order stuff on my own--"

"Your parents should be the ones ordering pizza, not you--"

"Listen, r-tard -- you can kick me out of the theaters for being 'too young' but you can't tell me if I can order things without my parents or not. Fuck off," I said and closed the door and turned around.

Tweek just stared at me with Red Racer paused.

"He's an asshole," I explain and he nods.

We continue to watch the entire first season and now it's "officially" Tweek's favorite show.

"I-I just d-don't know h-how I've never s-seen this before," He says amazed.

"That's what I was thinking," I said getting up to throw the pizza box away, "Now we're gonna go up to my room and play my PS4."


After I throw the box away, I walk up to my room and turn on the PS4.

"Y-You like the P-PS4, too?"

"Yeah," I said putting in Call of Duty, "Why the hell would I want a crappy Xbox?"

"Y-You just look l-like the Xbox t-type," He laughs.

"Oh kiss my ass, Tweek," I say and he laughs harder.

We play Call of Duty for about an hour, having a great time until...

"CRAIIIIGGGGG," Ruby busts through my door, whining.



"I don't have to knock, I'm a queen," She says touching her tiara.

I'm guessing she's playing dress up.

Her eyes wonder over to Tweek, "Oh! Hi," She says getting flirty.

The fuck?

"I'm Ruby," she walks over and sits in between us.

"I k-know," He laughs.

"That's great," She winks.

This is disgusting.

My little eight year old sister is flirting with my friend, just great.

"Alright," I said pulling her away, "What do you want?!"

She blinks once, "I forgot."

I narrow my eyes and she looks at Tweek again and blows him a kiss.

"Get out," I say pushing her towards the door.

"He's gonna be my boyfriend someday," She says confidently.

"Ha, right okay," I say shutting the door.

"S-Some sister," Tweek comments.

"Tell me about it," I yawn.

I look at the clock and it's fucking two am.

What the hell is Ruby doing up at 2:00AM?!

"You wanna hit the hay?" I ask.

"W-What?!" Tweek says looking terrified.

"...Do you wanna go to sleep?"

"O-Oh," He breathes, "Y-Yeah I guess."

"You can lay your sleeping bag there," I said pointing right beside my bed.

His eyes grow wide, "S-Sleeping bag?"

"Well, yeah," I say and he doesn't move. I can tell he forgot it.

"I-I forgot it," He says.

"Oh," Is all I say, "Well you can sleep in the bed with me I guess."

"I-In the same b-bed?!"

"Yeah," I say, "You can face your head where my feet are so it can be less awkward."

"O-Okay," He says climbing into the bed.

All night he was tossing and turning and I could tell he was uncomfortable.

"C-Craig?" Tweek whispers.

"Mmm?" I say half asleep.

"C-Can I turn a-around? This i-is uncomfortable."

"Fine, whatever," I say and he fixes his position and falls fast asleep.


Soooo the pizza guy saying Craig should have his parents order it actually happened to me it was so ridiculous.

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