twenty four

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I know exactly what to do.

I've seen it in movies a thousand times.

It's simple -- I tell Tweek that Craig told me their little secret, Tweek gets mad at Craig forever, Tweek moves away back to wherever the fuck he came from, Craig gets depressed because his little boyfriend left and turns back to me, his best friend.

I gotta admit, I miss having Craig as my right hand man along with Token.

But they're assholes now!

So once Craig realizes he's an asshole, he'll come running back to me.

This whole plan is going to take

I spotted Tweek by himself at his locker getting his books.

I made sure Craig was running late today by my high school friends putting gum in his precious movie star hair -- don't ask me how they did it because I honestly don't know.

I walked up to Tweek, he didn't notice me at first because his locker covered my face but when he closed it, he screamed.

"AH JESUS--GAH!" He twitched.

"Hey," I say putting my back against the locker next to him, "You gotta minute?"

"N-No," He said and walked off.

Damn it.

"Wait," I said running to catch up with him, "You and Craig are a cute couple."

He looks irritated, "S-Stop."

"Oh but you are--"

"S-STOP!" He stops in his tracks and turns to me, "I-I'm. Not. Gay. Y-You got that?! A-And neither is C-Craig."


"Alright, fine. You two are 'good friends' then," I say.

Saying that made me want to throw up.

"Good friends keep secrets, right?" I say and he raises and eyebrow and turns to me.


"Good friend keep secrets, right" I repeat.

"I-I guess..."

"Pfft you two aren't friends," I say and slowly walk off.

I was hoping he'd stop me, he hesitates at first but then says, "W-What?"

I smirk, bingo.

I get back in character and say, "But then you two aren't friends?"

"Y-Yeah we are," He says furrowing his eyebrows.

"But true friends keep secrets and Craig told me a secret of yours--" I fake gasp after for dramatic affect.

Tweek's eyes widen, "W-What secret."

"I've said too much," I say, they say that in the movies all the time.

I'm a good actor.

And I can tell Tweek doesn't watch movies a lot, he would've caught on by now.


"N-No!" He says and catches up to me, "What s-secret?"

I sigh, "I don't wanna ruin you two's relationship and--"

"J-Just tell me, C-Clyde."

"Alright. He told me that you got raped and that's why you moved here," I simply say.

I don't think anyone heard.

I don't think...

Hell, I've told at least a dozen people already and Bebe's probably told her entire bitch squad.

He just stares at me and then suddenly his eyes begin to fill with tears, "H-He didn't..."

I slowly nod and then the tears began to fall and he covers his mouth, "H-He did!"

"Now, Tweek promise me you won't tell Craig that--"

"H-He told," He said still not off of the subject, "T-The one person I-I trusted--THE O-ONE PERSON!"

"Now, uh, Tweek promise me that you won't tell--"

"I-I'm sorry. I have to g-go, thanks for t-telling me," He wipes his tears.

"Um you're welcome?" I say and he runs off.

My plan's going pretty well so far.

"Phase one, done."


Smh Clyde

But yeah a lot of movies have this type of betrayal in it. One person tries to manipulate the other person into hating the other person.


What's your fav movie?

Mine is clueless oml I just watched it again today for like the thousandth time.


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