forty one

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I decided to take a nap because my head started to hurt thinking about all stuff.

What will people say at school when they find out?

I'm moving anyways.

For some odd reason I don't want to move anymore.

I don't know how I'm gonna tell Mom.

Maybe I should tell my Dad...I mean, he doesn't wanna move either.

I see my Dad in the kitchen.

"Dad! P-Please remind m-me that I h-have to tell y-you something after m-my nap," I say and he nods.

About two hours wake up I jerk up from my nap only to hear people yelling outside of my house.

What the hell is going on?

I open the door and say, "W-what is going o-on?"

I couldn't see anything at first because the sun blinded me but my vision finally came to focus and I see Craig, Token, Red, Bebe, Clyde, and some random high schoolers.

"Hey," They all say in unison.


"I-If you're going t-to argue p-please take it somewhere e-else I have a h-headache," I say rubbing my head.

Clyde says, "That's exactly what we're going to do. C'mon guys let's go to my house and argue--"

"Here," Craig says handing me a CD.

"W-What is t-this?" I ask.

"NO YOU GIVE THAT FUCKING CD BACK TO ME," Clyde says trying to get through but Bebe, Token, and Red hold him down.

Surprisingly his high school friends aren't as strong as they should be if two girls and a boy is holding of all five of them.

"It's proof," Craig says, "Let me come inside and I'll show you myself."

"O-Okay?" I say confused letting Craig inside.

As I close the door I hear Clyde on the other side screaming, "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!"

I walk upstairs to my room and Craig puts the CD in the computer.

"This i-isn't porn i-is it?" I say uncertain.

"Dude who do you think I am? Kenny taught me how to hide it safely," Craig jokes.


As Craig plays it it shows the video of Craig and I sitting on the bench.

My eyes widen, I totally forgot about this.

It really was recorded.

I start tearing up, "I-I'm such a b-bad friend."


"I-I didn't believe y-you when I s-should've!"

"It's okay--"

"N-No it isn't! If I w-were in your p-position I would b-be soooo p-pissed! How a-are you m-managing not being m-mad at me?"

"I could never be mad at you," Craig says scratching behind his head, "...For some odd reason."

My stomach begins turning again.

Oh no.

I clench my stomach and sit back in my computer chair.

"Dude are you okay?" Craig says walking over.

"Y-Yeah it's my s-stomach," I say.

"Oh do you want me to get your Dad--"

"Craig, d-do you ever g-get this like q-queezy feeling i-in your stomach?"

"Every time I see a hot girl," He smirks.

My blood starts boiling a little bit after hearing that.

"W-Well," I say gritting my teeth, "I kinda get that f-feeling every t-time I'm a-around...uh...y-you," I gulp.

His face was blank until he started actually realizing what I was saying and his eyes began to widen.

"Wait a minute...are you gay for me Twitches?!" He says walking back.

I jolted up, "I-I don't know!"

"Woah," He says going towards the door, "I'm not gay."

It felt like someone punched me in the heart, "I-I know..."

He breathes, "I...uh...thought we were just friends."

"W-We are!"

"But you like me," He says putting his hand on the door knob.

"C-Craig, please don't l-leave," I say.

"I'll see you later I guess," He says leaving.

I sit down in my bed and curse to myself.

Why did I say that?

He probably hates me now.

"E-Everyone's gonna h-hate me."

A knock on my door appeared and I jolted up hoping it was Craig that he changes my mind to only find my Dad.

"So what did you wanna talk about?"



That's the representation of this chapter.

I have so much homework and I haven't even started lmao my life


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