twenty three

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"...And so then, Wendy told me that these shoes you got me were 'so 2000 in late' like what the actual hell," Bebe complained.

Complaining is like Bebe's hobby because she does it all the time.

"Wow," I sound enthusiastic.

"I know right! She's such a bitch."

I stop in my tracks, "But you two are best friends."

"I know," She smiles.

Girls are confusing as fuck.

"Okay..." I say.

Bebe and I were walking around Stark's Pond for our date.

I didn't feel like going to the movies or anything so I just wanted to have a nice walk.

Besides Craig, Token, and I use to go on walks...wait why am I thinking about those fuckers.

So what I usually do with Bebe is I pick her up with flowers and new shoes from my Dad's store, tell her how pretty she is, the usual.

It's like a routine, an endless cycle.

I honestly don't know why I'm going out with her to be honest, we've been dating since fourth grade -- FOURTH GRADE!


And in those four years all she does is gossip about one of her closest friends, take pictures to post on snapchat or Instagram or Twitter, and I ask her to dances.

And everyone calls us their "relationship goals."

What has this world come to.

As we come around to the benches, I couldn't believe what I saw.

Craig and his little boyfriend.

"You're joking," I laugh.

Bebe raises her eyebrow, "No I'm not joking! This jean jacket is designer! No one will listen to me--"

"Not you," I scold and I point to Craig and his boyfriend, "Them."

"Ohhhh that's Craig and Tweek! What are they doing here?"

"Probably about to make out," I laugh and take my phone out to record so I can show my high school friends this shit.

Bebe gasps, "CRAIG'S GAY?!"

"Probably. I'm not surprised," I shrug.

"But he went out with Annie and--"

"Then he's bisexual. C'mon get with the program, Bebe. There's many more sexualities out there other than 'gay.'"

"I guess," She says still looking confused.

I know blondes hate the stereotypical "dumb blonde"...but Bebe really is dumb.

But she's hot so that makes up for it I guess.

"Let's get closer so we can hear what they're saying," I say and she nods.

We hide behind the tree and luckily we can hear them.

"S-Sorry I didn't t-tell you. It's n-not something you c-can just b-blurt out," The Twitching blonde boy says.

"Oooh secrets," Bebe says and I shush her.

"No it's fine. I was just shocked. Hell, I still am," Craig says.

What are they talking about?

It was a moment of silence after and I just wanna know what they're talking about.

"So, how was it?" Craig says breaking the awkward ass silence.

"H-how was w-what?"

"Getting raped," Craig says.

Oh shit.

"O-M-G," Bebe whisper-screams, "HE GOT RAPED?!"



"Yes," I smirk.

This is gonna be great.


After we left the park, I had a strange feeling.

Like something wasn't right.

I didn't know what, but it just felt like it.

"Y-You okay?" Tweek says as we walk.

"Yeah," I say.

"W-Well Craig I just w-wanna thank y-you," He says.

I raise my eyebrow, "For what?"

"F-For being a great f-friend. I use t-to hate you--"

"I hated you too," I say.

He laughs, "B-But I've never had a r-real friend b-before, s-so thanks."

"Welcome, bro," I say and stick out my fist.

His eyes widen and he backs up, panting, "W-What did I do?!"


"D-Don't punch m-me!"

I blink, "Were you raised under a rock?! I'm giving you a fist pump."

"O-Oh," he breathes, "What's t-that?"

"Just stick out your fist."

He sticks out his shaky fist and I give him the lightest fist pump ever.

"T-That was nice," He says and I can't help but laugh.


Sneaky, sneaky Clyde.

I know some of y'all were thinking like tf why is Clyde the bad guy?

Tbh idk it was kind of last minute, at first I was gonna make it Stan but then I was like no let's spice it up.


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