forty four

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"Have you seen Clyde around lately?" I ask Token the next day at lunch.

"Nope, but there's rumors that he might be homeschooled now," He says whispering like this is "top secret" or something."

"Homeschooled?! Like how Cartman was when that weird homeschooled boy came to school--"

"Shhh! Not so loud. Not everyone needs to know," Token says.

"Well some people should get a clue -- he hasn't been here for like two days," I clarify.

"Yeah but people could think he's sick," Token points out.

"For the rest of the year?!" I say.


Next thing I know Twitches comes by our table, "C-Can I sit h-here?"

"Yeah of course," I say moving my backpack and Token raises an eyebrow at me and I kick him under the table.

"I-I have great n-news that I wanted to t-tell you yesterday b-but I also w-wanted to tell y-you in person t-to see your r-reaction," He says smiling.

He never smiles; he has nice teeth.

"Uh, okay what is it?"

"I-I'm not m-moving!" He says practically jumping out of his seat.

My mind, which usually is filled with Red Racer stuff and bad things just transferred to the word, "JOY."

I actually hugged him, I couldn't say anything.

And we hugged, for a long time.

Then Token awkwardly coughs and we break away.

"That's great," I finally spit out and he just laughs.

*later on*

Tweek and I decided to walk together home -- since we live like right across the street from one another and he doesn't have to work together and I got fucking fired a long time ago.

Just as friends...

He started talking about the reactions of his parents when he came out and I kept would my parents react?

My Dad hates homos!

"C-Craig are you even l-listening?" Tweek says.

"What? Huh, yeah. I am keep going," I say.

I couldn't actually listen to him because he's just so...

I don't know the word.


Usually girls call me cute but here I am calling another boy cute.

"A-And she actually a-accepted it Craig! It w-was crazy--"

"Go to the dance with me," I say cutting him off standing right in front of him.

He just stared at me, "H-Huh?"

"Go to the dance with me."

"Y-You mean like...a-as a date?"

"I mean yeah...if that's like okay with you," I say getting a little nervous.

"That's t-totally fine. W-What are you g-gonna tell y-your parents?" He asks.

Oh shit.

"Oh, that we're just going as friends?"

"B-But we aren't," He says crossing his arms.

"Yeah I know that but they don't have to know!" I say.

"B-But I don't w-wanna lie, C-Craig. You s-should tell them. I-I know y-you're not're b-bisexual," He says.

"Excuse me?"

"I-It's when y-you go b-both ways," He clarifies.

"Oh," I thought that was something bad.

"J-Just tell them. I-It'll be a-alright...I promise," He says looking into my eyes.

We just stare at each other for the longest time.

I wanna kiss him.

I really wanna kiss him.

I am gonna kiss--

"CRAIG! MOM WANTS YOUUU," Ruby says opening the door then looks at Tweek, "So we meet again. If you just want me you can just say so--"

"Leave, Ruby!" I say.


"I gotta go," I tell Tweek and he nods and walks to his house.

That was the perfect timing.

Why couldn't I just do it?!

Was I scared?

I'm never scared.

Maybe it's because he's a boy...


I really didn't know how to end this sooooo yeah

This is such a cute chapter aw

Ruby is THE annoying sister you wouldn't want to have

What annoying sibling do you have? Are they older or younger and what do they do that's so annoying?

I have this older brother who acts like he's way younger than he actually is and mocks me 24/7 smh


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