thirty five

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As Tweek slams the door in my face, I was so freaking pissed.

But then I realized, I have two days to do this.

Two days.

I put my anger aside and ran across the street to my house to tell Red that we need to start moving quicker.

"I-I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN THAT," I heard him say as he opened the door, I guess apologizing for shutting it in my face.

"It's fine!" I yell and run straight into my house.

"Oh, Craig I made lunch," My Mom says bringing sandwiches into the living room.

"I can't right now--later I promise," I say running up the stairs.

"Passing up food? Wow, something's not right with you," I heard my Mom say but I ignore it and make it into my room.

I lock the door and dial Red's number and she answers within three rings.


"He's leaving in two days, Red! What are we gonna do?!" I panic.

"Two?! I thought it was five!"

"I did too! Apparently his mom wants to leave early or something," I say pacing around the room, "I honestly don't know how we're gonna actually pull this off!"

"I don't either," She sighs, "Wait we still have--"

Ding Dong

The doorbell rings.

"CRAIG CAN YOU GET THAT? I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING," My Mom yells from downstairs and I cuss under my breath.

"Hold that thought," I tell Red and I run downstairs.

I open the door to find Token standing there smug like.

Then it hit me, "Did you do it?!"

"Let's talk upstairs," He says and I nod while closing the door behind him.

"Oh hello, Token! Sandwich?" My mom offers.

"Oh yeah I'd love one--"

"No he will not," I say pushing him up the stairs.

"Dude, what the fuck I'm hungry--"

"We eat after you tell me what happened," I cross my arms.

"Well he--"

"Hello?! I'm still here yanno," I hear Red's voice through the phone and I almost forgot about her.

"Oh hey, Red," I say holding up the phone, "Token's here so he's gonna tell us what happened."

"Okay so," He starts off, "I didn't actually get the video."

I throw my arms in the air, "Great. Just great, Token! THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE SENT THERE TO DO!"

"Just listen, I have something better--"

"What's better than the fucking tape?!"

"WILL YOU CALM DOWN JESUS CHRIST," He says pulling out his phone, "I recorded something he said that we can use."

"Oooh play it," Red says and Token presses play.

"Who were you texting?" Clyde's voice filled my ears which made me want to gag.

"Nichole...who else?" Token says.

I turn to him, "You liar."

"Shhh," Token shushes me.

"Anyways, I'm not scared of Bebe, okay? I've got hella hoes," Clyde says.

I scoff, "Who? His mom? Oh wait not her she's dead."

Token punches me in the arm.

"What hoes?" Token says.

"Well there's Bebe's 'best friends Heidi, Jenny, Lola...I would try with Nichole but yanno she seems pretty loyal to you," Clyde says and I stop the recorder.

"Dude! Did you like kill him or something?!"

"I was about to but God was telling me not to," He says.

"You church boy," I say and continue playing the tape.

There was a moment of silence and then Clyde says, "I'm kidding man."

"Right," Red scoffs.

Once again, I forgot she was even here.

"...and I'm forgetting someone...AH RED!" Clyde says and he starts laughing.

"What?!" Red says.

"What'd you do to Red?" Token asks.

"Well you know how Bebe's so dumb she believes everything I tell her?" Clyde says still laughing like the asshole he is.

"Yeah?" Token says.

"Well Red told her that I was hitting on her and Bebe totally didn't believe her and she and Wendy wanted to literally kill her it was so goddamn funny you should've been there," Clyde says laughing and I pause the tape.


I'm guessing she's pissed.

"so...what do we do now?" I ask and Token shrugs.

"Oh I'll tell you what we're gonna do, we're gonna show this to Bebe," Red says.

Token and I both look at each other, "Bebe?!"

"YES ARE YOU GUYS DEAF?! We'll show this to her and she'll be so pissed she'll have to give us the tape since she was at the park as well," Red exclaims.

"Oh yeah that's a good idea," I say.

"YEAH IT'S A GOOD IDEA! I'm gonna be over there in ten minutes and we're gonna end this." Red says hanging up the phone.

This is gonna be great.

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