Twenty Three: The Aftermath

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Nah, the title isn't inspired by any song (non 1D/T.Swift people: lol thank god, julienne)

Enjoy the chapter! <3

   - - - - - Elsa - - - - - ➳   

"I'm supposed to be at Ariel's for a party," Anna started out at the dining table. "But I'm so damn scared of getting my photos taken, and getting a headline on Tiger Beat 'Frostie's Girlfriend's Sister has a terrible taste of clothing' or something."

It was the dawn of the first wave of articles about me already. Rapunzel rummaged through the net to make a headcount, but she fell asleep. The biggest news, so far, was that a trend started not too long after the articles bombarded the Internet's surface. Elsa Hale is still the top trend right now in Worldwide Trends on Twitter, and it's been there for about five hours already— with roughly 700 thousand tweets, and counting.

I visited the trend about once or thrice... maybe at least ten times. The photos of Jack and I were already well-circulated. Thank God, I had at least a bit of makeup on before I went midnight driving with Jack. 

A few other photos were some public photos that I had posted on Facebook. The fandom really does know how to dig into people— and I used to do that before, and now it's being done to me. I tried to deactivate my other accounts, but it never really seemed to do good once the girls find it out. They'll think it's even more real, and obsess or distress over it.

Most of the tweets were awful— people not believing in the news, or perhaps criticizing me for being such a slut, or something. Only about a handful were pretty nice, complimenting me, wishing us good luck for the horrible fate... 

Basically, I'd like to stay away from all social media right now. I like being the bee and doing the buzzing, but when I'm the human being stung and buzzed, I don't think I'll come out of this sane.

"You can go live a normal life as you did yesterday, Ann," Daddy said— scooping his oatmeal into his spoon. "If anybody asks you anything, just say nothing."

"You know we can't be normal anymore, Daddy," Anna rebutted. "Elsa's got to be interviewed one day, and even proposals can happen one day."

"Anna, I'm still me," I said to her. I was coming from the kitchen, overhearing their conversation. "I'm normal, you're normal, we all are. Whatever makes of us in this situation, we'll still be normal. And a proposal is not bound to happen."

"Yeah, right," Anna giggled and chugged down the last of her chocolate milk. 

Daddy turned to me, "What are your plans for today, then?"

I shifted in my seat— knowing that he's going to try to know wherever I am now, "Daddy, I can do this."

"I'm just worried about you," he replied. "Good things and bad things may come out of this."

"I know that," I replied. I knew that he did not mean about a possible relationship with a celebrity as a bad thing. He meant that people would come at me at any moment. I could be a hostage target... I could be attacked by crazy—crazier fangirls.

"Just please be careful, love," he smiled. "I trust that you will not let any of these break you. You are a strong young lady."

Dear Jack ➳ A Jelsa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now