Chapter 3

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Zayn's POV

I've proven that the theory of practicing makes things easier is very true. I've been a father for two weeks now and I've made a system for myself. The system is, I don't sleep anymore and I live off of coffee. Sometimes when I put Laila to bed I can get a good three hours in before I need to feed her, so I feel like I'm still getting rest. I've also taught myself not to freak out every time my daughter cries and to just take care of whatever she needs at a relaxed pace. Louis coming over and helping me over the past weekend was nice to catch up on my sleep and sort out my life a little, but I still had yet figured out what I was going to do about work.

I had two more days before I really needed to get back to work and I didn't know what I was going to do with my princess. I hadn't asked my boss if I could take her to work with me yet, so that was still an option until it gets turned down. I asked Louis' mum if she could help me, but she said she had her hands full with Ernest and Doris. Laila was much too young to go to daycare and I couldn't afford that either. Louis is going on his winter break for uni next week, but I doubted he'd want to babysit. Plus, by then I would have already been fired. I was stuck between a rock and a hard spot.

I served myself my second cup of coffee this morning and went to make Laila a bottle of formula. I groaned and slammed my face against the cabinet when I saw she was nearly out and would only have enough to last her for one more bottle. This is when I have a whole new envy of women that can produce milk from their boobs and not have to go out and buy it in a can. The hospital only gave me a small can of it, but I didn't think it would be gone in two weeks. Either way, I needed to go out and buy more.

As quickly as I could, I got showered and dressed before going to get Laila up and ready. She was just laying in her crib looking around happily. She kicked her little feet when she saw me and for the first time I felt like maybe she loved me back. I know I loved her more than anything, but I'd never seen her get excited to see me.

"Let's get you ready to go on an adventure to the grocery store. This is your first time going out, so we need to get you all bundled up." I told my daughter. I changed her from her little pajamas into a pink one piece with feet. I wiped her face with a baby wipe, also seeing I needed to buy wipes as well. I would give her a full bath in the sink like I did yesterday morning, but I didn't want her going outside fresh out of hot water. She could catch a cold that way.

My fingers fixed her hair up and I smiled because she was blessed with that gene I had in the amount of hair she already had. I went over to the little box of art supplies I had got a tiny ribbon out. With the few thick pieces of Laila's black hair, I tied the ribbon into a bow. I laughed and smiled at her because she looked adorable. Her blue eyes looked at me when I laughed like she liked that sound so I did it again. Her feet kicked and her eyes continued to look at me. She was a little more alert now, but she still spent most of her time sleeping and eating.

I took her in my arms and carried her to the kitchen so I could look through my wallet to see how much money I had. I had probably enough for diapers, wipes and formula but that was it. My own stomach growled at me, reminding me I hadn't eaten a proper meal since Louis left. Maybe I could afford to get a frozen dinner or something like that for myself.

Laila started whining, so I left my wallet on the counter to go get her bottle I had just made. She stopped crying right when the bottle was in her mouth. I'd like to say she's an easy baby because she doesn't cry for no reason, but she's still hard to tend because I really don't know what the hell I'm doing. I set Laila down in her baby seat the hospital gave me as she ate so I could get things together. I ran around getting an old book bag I had in my closet filled with a few diapers and the rest of the wipes. I also put an empt bottle in there and a water bottle to make a formal bottle if necessary after I bought some. I got a few baby blankets and a change of clothes in there as well then went back out to the living room. I always kept this bag for myself if I wanted to go to school again, never would I imagine me using it as a diaper bag.

Single Father (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now