Word Of Thanks

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Thanks for staying with us for so long! We are normal 12-year-old kids inspired by ourselves to create a science fiction story. If you did like the story - good to hear! We need to know these from you:

1) one part you liked about our story.

2) your favorite dialogue?

3) your favorite scene?

4) state one thing you expect to see in TPG 2

5) one thing we can improve on.

6) your favorite and least favorite character

7) would you like to see a sequel, prequel, both or neither?


But- if you really did not like the story for it was uninteresting, boring, unexciting, not being able to visualize, the short segments of the story - please provide:

1) 3 things you did not like about our story (provide more if possible)

2)  your least favorite scenes (at least 1)

3) Two things you expect us to have improved when we write TPG 2

4) Any two things you liked, of all your dislikes

5) your favorite and least favorite character

6) do you want to see a sequel, prequel, both or none?

Provide this information in the comments below. 

If you have more than one thing to say whether you like or did not like the story, please provide so! We'll be glad to hear. As long as there is only one favorite character. The favorite characters can also include characters that are not from the four (JY, YC, TY and XN)

The Adventures Of That Particular Group: Start Of Their Adventure (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now