Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“Did you fall in your lunch?” was Brian’s reaction when he saw me after the food fight.

“Yes I did! It was so huge. When I fell, I couldn’t find my way out so I just stayed there for the rest of the day till prince charming came and saved me!” I clapped my hands together and sighed in fake-happiness.

“We just created a story,” he chuckled.

“Yeah we’re cool like that,” I laughed with him.

“So how was the food fight this time?” he asked.

“Great,” I answered “Short but fun.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed your time,” he ruffled my hair. “I’m going to Derek’s and we’re going to a party together. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”

“Okay, have fun and don’t get drunk!” I called after him.

“I won’t,” He smirked.

“Pinky promise?” I said holding out my pinky.

“Pinky promise.” he said wrapping his finger around my smaller one.

I smiled at how much he’s changing. A year ago, he would’ve laughed in my face and got wasted at the party but now… Well he won’t be getting drunk.

I heard the door close as I opened the cupboard and took out a chocolate chip cookie. Mmmm the perfect taste of chocolate chip cookies is the best.

I went up to my room and threw myself on my bed. I sighed as I sat Indian style on my bed and placed Teddy so he was facing me.

 “Hey Teddy, we haven’t talked in a while and I have a lot to tell you.” I started.

“Well first, Brian is changing. Yeah I know it’s hard to believe. He did hurt you and he definitely hurt me throughout the years but he apologized. He opened up to me and to say I was surprised is the understatement of the year! He looked so innocent, so vulnerable you’ll never believe it! I’m really proud of him.”

I smiled at Teddy and his black eyes looked back at me showing me that he’s still listening.

“Then there are our new neighbors, you remember them right? Lucas and Katelyn? Yeah we’re close now. I love Katelyn, she’s so adorable and Lucas is like my best friend now. And all the girls at school are after him. I recently found out that he has a secret but he won’t tell me what it is. It has something to do with girls though.”

I thought back to that day when Lucas and I were walking back home. ‘Nothing important’ his voice rang in my mind. I knew it was important.

“Finally there’s Jackson. Yep you know that one very well. Today during the food fight I started, we had a “moment”. We fell on top of each other and he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes in a way he’s never did before. I didn’t know what it means. I just hope it’s good. I hope we can be together someday.”

“Who are you talking to?”

“Ahh!” I screamed before falling from my bed to the hard floor.

“Sorry Anna I didn’t mean to scare you,” Lucas hovered above me.

“You almost gave me a heart attack!” I snapped and he smiled apologetically but I didn’t miss the glint of amusement in his eyes. He extended his hand out and I took it so he pulled me back to my feet.

“So,” he started “Were you talking to your teddy bear?”

“Yes,” I snapped “How much did you here?”

No, I Cannot Sleep Without My Teddy BearNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ