Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

I hugged Teddy closer but frowned when I felt that he’s bigger and wearing a… shirt? I opened my eyes and found myself hugging a familiar blond and his arm was around my waist.

I yelped in shock and jumped out of bed, “L-Lucas?” I stammered, feeling a bit dizzy from my quick movement.

“I-I’m sorry I scared you,” he quickly apologized and jumped off my bed too “I just wanted to talk to you and when I came in you were sleeping…” he trailed off, looking at me sheepishly.

“What do you want to talk about?” I asked quietly walking to sit on my window seat. I loved my window seat because it was small and cozy with the colorful pillows decorating it. The curtains were moved apart, making my window seat look somehow royal.

I glanced at him expectantly and he just stared intently at the floor, thinking deeply. Then he finally looked up at me, his eyes now a very dark shade of blue almost black.

He walked to where I was sitting and sat beside me on the SMALL window seat. My heart beat increased as our legs touched and he took one of my hands in both of his big ones.

I looked up at him and saw him looking down at me intently,

“Anna,” he started and I was pretty sure that my cheeks were scarlet right now “I’m so sorry for being a jerk this past week. I-I don’t know what came over me… Well actually I do but I just you know I… yes…” He paused for a second, lifting his eyes to look at me. A strand of his blonde hair fell above his eyes and I had to clench my fists to stop myself from brushing it away.

“I’m not making sense am I?” he said.

“No actually you’re not,” I said clearly confused by his last sentence.

“I-I was… I was jealous,” he admitted and my heart skipped a beat or two.

“At first I thought I was jealous because I didn’t get to spend time with you anymore so I started spending time with all these girls but-but then I realized that I was jealous because he was the one to kiss you, he was the one to hug you, he was the one to spend time with you, and he was the one you called your boyfriend. Not me."

“And when I figured that out, I tried to stay as far away as possible from you because I was afraid of what I was feeling. I have never felt that way but being away from you was even worse. I don’t want to spend any other day without you. I need you,” he finished in a whisper, looking at me, pleading me to believe him.

And I did.

I couldn’t believe he was saying the words I wanted to hear from him. My heart was beating frantically in my chest.

I needed him too.

I was jealous of all these girls too.

He spent his time with tons of girls but I was the one he truly cared about. And that made me feel special.

“Anna,” he said huskily making a shiver run down my spine “I-I love you. I love you more than a friend.”

His hand was now cupping my cheek, lifting my head to look into his now dark blue eyes.

“I love you too,” I whispered and instantly his lips were on mine sending warmth throughout my body.

His lips felt perfect against mine. I kissed him back with just as much passion as he did. I felt the million butterflies in my stomach take off. I could hear the fast beats of my heart. He pulled my body closer to his as my hands traveled up his hard chest, making him shiver.

No, I Cannot Sleep Without My Teddy BearKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat