Chapter 3: Forsaken Foreingers

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The plane shook slightly as the doors opened and people dispatched. The luggage was taken out and away on the back of a small truck through the large storage door of the plane. Dan and Phil's boxes exited the plane and were now being transported into the sorting system. As soon as their boxes were placed on conveyer belts, Dan and Phil's hearts began to race. They waited a moment before popping out of their boxes and fixing their hiding spots up, along with themselves. They spotted each other and met on still concrete ground. "Where to now?" Dan asked. Phil took a moment.

There were many conveyer belts with all sorts of luggage and shipments being carted around. "Is there a back door?" Phil spoke. Dan shot him a look.
"A back door? A... back... door? Phil! We can't just walk out of here like it's nobody's business-" Dan was cut off by Phil's hand covering his mouth.
"Do what I do." Phil said.

They found a so-called 'back door' indeed, but they had to wait. Phil had the door open only the slightest bit so he could peer out to what looked like a security store room. It was a few minutes before a total of three people, two men and a young woman, entered the store room. They were chatting mindlessly as Dan and Phil got into position on either side of their door. Phil whispered a quick explanation to Dan whom nodded in response. The woman opened the door.

Dan wrapped his dark jacket quickly around her head to capture her. She panicked and started swinging her fists, but this did not distract Phil who gave a single solid punch to both of the unsuspecting and oblivious men who were behind the woman. One man was knocked out with the punch, but the other man was knocked cold from his head-to-ground collusion. Dan, as gentlemanly as possible, knocked the lady unconscious against the door frame. (He meant no disrespect of course.)

"Do you think they saw us?" Dan asked.
"Not a chance." Phil answered with a smirk. He quickly began to take off pieces of the men's uniform and wear it himself. Dan did also. When they were ready, they left the room as if they worked there. People talking in different accents flooded their ears. The pair kept on walking. They didn't know where they were going, but they needed to get out. Finally, they entered the mainstream part of the airport out of a staff door. "Okay, should we change?" Phil questioned, looking down at his blue-jacket uniform.
"No. Wait until we're out. Security cameras are everywhere right now." Dan said as he looked around. Phil nodded in agreement. They easily made their way out of the airport without anyone bothering them (which was a pleasant surprise).

They made their way out onto the street and dodged busses as they drove past. There was no way they would get a taxi into a town- They barely speak German! Sure they speak an amount, but they are definitely not fluent. So, they would have to walk.

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