Chapter 10: Sight for Sore eyes

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Charlotte and Phil had finally found Dan and brought him up onto a roof. Dan was grateful for their appearance for he felt like he needed to jump straight onto whatever plan was up next. His limbs shivered with adrenaline. "Are you okay?" Phil asked. He sat cross-legged opposite Dan who was sitting casually, trying to get his breath back. Charlotte was walking around this rooftop, thinking. Dan nodded lightly to Phil, and gave a forced smile. Phil sighed.

Dan began to speak, "He went down an alley-way at the end of the street... So, if we-"
"Do you know where he really went?" Charlotte said.
"Pardon?" Dan asked with a sneer.
"There's a strip club in that alley-way, you know." Charlotte turned around to face them.
"How do you know?" Dan asked with doubt in his voice. Phil shot him a look.
"I know Germany like how you know Phil's eyes." She answered. Dans expression dropped and Phil's jaw did too.
"So you are a subscr-" Phil was cut off.
"Don't be silly! I'm just Internet-aware." Charlotte waved a hand in dismissal. "Plus, anyway, it's a strip club for women. Of course I know about it."

Phil watched Charlotte as she continued to talk. He wondered about her eyes. They were warm but fierce at the same time. Rachel had powerful eyes too. He wondered if this was a learnt skill. He wondered if he could use his eyes in such a way. His subscribers had always complimented his eyes.

"Hey, Charlotte?" Phil spoke as Charlotte closed her mouth. Charlotte nodded once. Phil could feel his heart beat faster and heavier under his chest. "How do you do that thing with your eyes?" He asked.
"What thing?" Charlotte said with a frown.
"The emotion thing... I don't know how to explain it."
"I'm confused."
"When you look at me, I feel different." Phil said. This made Dan go red in the face and burst out laughing.
"Phil! No!" Dan laughed harder. Phil began to blush, and then he grimaced at Charlotte whom was also laughing.
"I know what you're talking about now- don't worry!" She tried to stop laughing, "Is it like how when I look at you to control how you feel or something?"
"Yes! Exactly that!" Phil said. Dan quieted down his laughter. His blue-eyed friend ignored him and watched Charlotte attentively.

"Okay, so," she began, "this is some sort of psychological trick that the original group of mine was taught. We learnt it from this Swiss dude when we first came to Europe. I can teach you, if you want."
"Yes! Yes please!" Phil beamed a bright smile. Dan sat up properly to pay attention. Charlotte knelt down in front of them.

"Every person has a different look," Charlotte explained, "and not everyone can learn it. I mean, they could, it just takes longer. About half of the original group could do it. Anyway, so..." she trailed off, appearing to be in thought.
"What's my look?" Dan asked suddenly. Charlotte shrugged, but then analyzed his eyes.
"I think your eyes can be used for trust." Charlotte said. She reached out to Dan and tilted his head slightly down. She told him to make different expressions while she analyses them. "Yes! Trust. You can fool people into relying or trusting you... Which is not necessarily a bad thing." Charlotte spoke, "It can also be used as a sign of comfort. Look at me as if I'm the only thing that matters in this world." Dan was confused, but attempted the instruction anyway.
"Not quite... Widen your eyes a tiny bit." Charlotte said. Boom. Dan felt something shift in him. He knew how to use this eye-expression to his bidding.

"Show me!" Phil grinned excitedly. Dan closed his eyes, then opened them to the expression. Phil felt the impact immediately. He felt like he was independent and confident, but only because Dan had his back. Dan broke the look, and Phil returned back to feeling normal. "That's awesome!" Phil said. Charlotte giggled.

"Alright Phil, your turn." She then explained similar things to Lester, but he found his expression far quicker than Charlotte was prepared for. She caught herself in a trance. She was stunned, but Phil easily dropped his gaze. "What am I?" Phil smiled. Charlotte exhaled, not knowing what to say.
"Well... Ah..." She said, attempting to find the right words. She could be blunt about it, but she just couldn't. Dan tilted his head in curiosity, then quickly fixed his fringe.

"Well, it's a complicated one." Charlotte said.
"Go on." Phil spoke.
"It was repulsive, but draws you in at the same time." Charlotte said with a hint of embarrassment, "I think it is fear and maybe sexual tension."
"Damn it Phil! You get a cool one!" Dan said then nudged Phil on the shoulder. Phil chuckled and attempted to scare Dan with his stare. Charlotte fixed Phil's stare for him, and so he could do it as easily as Dan.

Charlotte's phone rang after a few minutes of the men glaring awkwardly at each other. They looked up to see her. "It's Rachel..." The pale lady breathed.

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