Chapter 9: Damn Daniel (back at it again with the bad-guy chasing)

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"We should follow him!" Phil said.
"We will hunt him down." Dan spoke, then nodded to Phil. They both made guns out of their index finger and thumbs and held their fake guns up as they leaned on each other's back. "Team Phan, activate!" Phil said playfully. Wide eyed, Charlotte blinked a couple of times before then shaking her head. Dan and Phil smiled and then broke their positions.

"We will follow him." Charlotte nodded at Phil in agreement. "After my planning I had done recently, I am pretty sure I know where the man is going."
"Is he going to the people that attacked you before?" Phil asked. Dan nodded his head to the question, thinking it was a good one.
"To be honest, I don't know the people, but I know what location." Charlotte said, and then bit her bottom lip with a smile.

Dan fixed his fringe, which triggered Phil to do so too. It was quite windy on the rooftop, and Charlottes dark blonde hair flowed calmly across her face and neck. She took a deep breath, then started to jog across the roof, followed by the British.

They leaped over to a shorter building, rolling on the concrete roof to break impact. They saw the man walking casually to his destination. Charlotte quickly located an alley-ladder, and Dan went down it first. Charlotte followed, and so did Phil. Phil was moving rather slowly, and so the Australian hissed, "Go faster!"
"Do you want me to go down on you?" Phil blurted back as a reaction. Dan almost coughed up laughter at the exchange.

The three now had sure-footing on the ground, and slithered their way into the public eye. Charlotte lead the two through the busy street as she contemplated internally where the man would have travelled to. Finally, and after Dan bumped into numerous people (whom either gave them death stares or a curse word- half of which he didn't understand), they saw their prey. The man had picked up his pace and bustled through the streets a lot faster than before. Perhaps he saw them coming? Rubbish! He doesn't even know they're following him... Probably.

"Why is he speeding up?" Dan whispered to Charlotte as he knocked another passer-by with his shoulder. Charlotte said that she didn't know, and she sped up too. Within only a matter of moments, a small group of men rushed past the three and the suspicious man began to run. The small group in hot pursuit of the man easily caught up, and pummeled him into the ground. The three watched as the document was ripped from the mans possession. "Oh dear..." Charlotte muttered to herself as she backed away a little bit. The German citizens around the brawl had either joined in or ran away. A man from the original group of men tucked the document under his coat, and made a break for it. Dan took no notice of his peers telling him to stay back when he began to chase.

The bloke Dan was sprinting after was much faster than he was, but because of the busy streets of Germany, the mans speed was slowed significantly as people were merely obstacles. The well-toned man dodged man after woman after man, and even knocked over a fresh fruit stall to get away from Dan. The brown-eyed YouTuber had already put on his mouth-mask and his hood, and leaped over the produce, knocking a lady over into her husband along the way.

The bulky man now just bowled people over as if it was a game of rugby until people started jumping out of the way. Dan was running out of breath quickly, and in his fazed state of mind, he felt around his utility belt for something- anything!- to help him get that document. He then tripped over one of the downed men on the ground. Dan rolled and thudded along the street until momentum took him no further. Dan glanced up in a panic to see the escaping man duck into an alleyway down the street before Dan collapsed on the ground completely; German swears and insults being spat at him from the citizens gathering around.

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