Chapter 17: Recall and Relaxation

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Schultz was mortified, to say the least. Dan was even more so.

"You even managed to destroy one of GETA's buildings..." Schultz shook his head as Phil and Charlotte finished explaining what happened two nights ago.
 They were all in Schultz's apartment, and Charlotte was still getting treatment for her injured leg as she sat on the couch. They thought it would be appropriate to tell the whole story when Dan was better from his hangover. "I am so surprised you are that strong," Charlotte said to Phil. Dan smiled a little with proudness, and Phil shrugged. Everyone was proud of Phil and what he had achieved that night. The only thing he didn't tell anyone is the encounter he had with the male stripper.
"I wish I remembered what happened," Dan said while sipping water. He still had a headache from two days ago.
"I wish things went the way I planned them," Charlotte said, then hissed in pain. Schultz continued to massage and wrap her leg up tightly to heal.
"We got what we came for at least," Dan said. He attempted to fix his messy hobbit-hair in a mirror. Everyone fell silent, enjoying the silence that surrounded them. Schultz's apartment was welcoming and warm.

"Alright," Schultz said as he placed Charlotte's leg up on the couch with caution, "Dan, you're needing to be fixed too." Dan looked at him quizzically. He walked over to the couch and sat down in front of Charlotte's leg waiting for Schultz to explain what he had in mind. "So apparently, you have never really done any physical exercise."
"...Not really." Dan grumbled, then slouched forward.
"Lie down on the carpet and I'll give you Bowen," Schultz said, then stood aside. There was a fluffy white rug that covered the floor in front of the couch. A coffee table was on top of the rug, leaving the only large space of exposed rug in between the coffee table and the TV and cabinet. The TV was not on of course, but Charlotte stared at it as if it was.
"Bowen?" Dan asked before standing up and moving towards the location Schultz stood next to.
"A massage technique," Schultz spoke. Dan shrugged and lay down on the rug with his back facing upwards. Schultz began working on Dan (often with Dan yelping from pain; Dan was very tense from, well, you know, doing more exercise in a month that he has ever done in his life). Phil almost laughed to himself but then realised he was in the same situation and would have to get a massage from Schultz as well.

Lester leant over the back of the couch, propping himself up with his arms. He sighed contently and sipped the warm mug of tea he had in his hand. The late evening was already draining his energy which is something that rarely happens, but nonetheless, he was still tired. Charlotte smiled warmly at him when he made eye contact with her. The black haired man blushed lightly before looking away and sipped his tea once again. His stomach felt light and his heart began to beat a little faster. Hopefully, Charlotte wasn't still looking at him. Phil slowly shifted his eyes back towards the dark-blonde Charlotte. She was still looking at him to his surprise. He quickly looked away then awkwardly stood up straight and headed out to the kitchen in an attempt to hide his blushing cheeks. Charlotte stared at him until he was out of sight.

"Schultz! This hurts!" Dan hissed suddenly, then attempted to get up.
"Dan, no! Don't move you British rat-bag." Schultz chuckled, "You will only damage yourself." Dan groaned in frustration which made Charlotte giggle. Charlotte then peeked over the back of the couch to the area where the kitchen was. She saw Phil standing there, swirling his tea in the mug and leaning against the back wall. He looked up to see Charlotte's amber eyes before she quickly ducked back down onto the couch out of view. Lester's curiosity increased, but he didn't move. His heart was still beating rather quickly. Dan and Schultz began conversing with each other at this point, and Dan began learning more German from the other man.

Phil finished his tea and placed the white mug in the sink. He then returned his previous position of leaning over the couch back. This time, he kept a neutral expression and did not blush when Charlotte looked up to him. He instead stared directly into her eyes, and used the 'eye expression' he was taught. It was Charlotte's turn to blush this time. She squirmed a little, then sat upright so she could stare back successfully. This intense staring contest lasted a little while before Charlotte looked away. She covered her face with her sleeves and laughed a little bit. "Good practice," she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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