Chapter 8: Meat and Meetings

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The apartment was clean. The bloody rags and sponges were washed thoroughly and packed away by Charlotte. While her eyes healed, and while Dan was clearing the suspicious drug 100% from his system, Phil took the opportunity to talk with Charlotte alone. Dan was resting on Charlotte's bed in her darkened bedroom.

Phil was transfixed by her stare. He couldn't help but feel loose and giddy when she looked at him. They continued to eat their meat sandwiches which Charlotte whipped up. He cleared his throat and spoke, "What is the plan?" He asked. Charlotte sighed and looked away. Her light-brown eyes then met with his blue ones. "I know a guy who can train you and Dan up a bit. After that, it's get the GETA time."
"That was almost a pun, wasn't it?" Phil smiled awkwardly. Charlotte exhaled a laugh after swallowing a bite of the sandwich. "Are your eyes okay?" Phil asked, surprise they weren't red anymore.
"Yeah. Thanks for cleaning up, by the way." She looked around with approval.
"What did you do to the body parts?" Phil asked, realizing how brutal and strange that question was.
"I disposed of them." Charlotte smiled, then gestured to the meat inside his sandwich.
"What!-" Phil exclaimed before going into a panic.
"I'm joking! I'm joking! I swear!" Charlotte cracked up laughing. Phil angrily swallowed his mouthful before readjusting his position. He placed the remainder of the sandwich on the plate and pushed it away. "I chopped them up into little tiny pieces then weathered them away into the sink." Charlotte explained. Phil sighed. Charlotte scared him more than Rachel did. Instead of the eye contact that scared him, it was actual actions. It was what she was capable of doing.

"I think we should go see this 'trainer'." Phil said, then stood up to go to Dan. Dan awoke, and Phil told him the general plan. Meanwhile, Charlotte got changed into her clothing she wore for 'expeditions'. She tied her hair back tightly into a bun as she beckoned the two males towards the front door.

It was heading towards midday when they left, and it was midday when they arrived. Arrived where? It was a quiet back-alley to a large abandoned building stock loading area. "Schultz!" Charlotte murmured into the half-shaddows. A few clatters were heard from behind some crates. Then, a man wearing black pants and a greasy tank top stumbled out. "Ja? Charlotte? Ah!" He walked towards the three. "Sind die Leute... Du weißt..." His rough accent spat out.
"English. They don't speak much German." Charlotte said.
"Englisch? Wir sind in Deutschland!" Schultz coughed a chuckle.
"Kannst du nicht?" Dan snapped. "English!" Schultz was taken aback by Dan's sudden speech.
"Wow. Someone's pants are on fire." Schultz said. Phil began to laugh... He was laughing for a solid seven minutes and tears left his eyes from laughing so hard.

After that episode, everyone started off again with equal footing, and the two were given tutorials and instructions. Schultz had prepared harnesses and ropes for the British men to practice with. They were soon gliding and sailing across the alley-way walls, jumping off of objects and crates easily and as they pleased. The pivots and ropes in the walls kept them steady and stable. Charlotte was very impressed. "You're quick learners." She had said. Schultz was proud for a different reason; his harnesses and ropes didn't actually break for once. "Mikasa!" Phil cheered to Dan.
"Mikasa!" Dan called back with a wider grin as they leaped and bounded around the darkened area.

Schultz leaned quietly over to Charlotte. "Rachel told me they were naturals, but I didn't expect them to be a couple of couch-driven weeaboos that holler 'Mikasa' at each other." He said. Charlotte spat a laugh, then crossed her arms.
"I hope she's doing okay in Russia. It's pretty cold there at this time of the year." Charlotte breathed.
"She's fine. I'd be concerned about these two monkeys." The beefy German said. Charlotte watched Phil attentively.

"I am very concerned." She laughed.

Later, the training session had come to an end. Charlotte approached the two men. "Congratulations on stopping the British GETA by the way." Charlotte spoke. Dan and Phil were stretching.
"There are still two members of the British GETA active though." Phil said, and peered at his foot he was stretching towards. He remembers how many people went to hospital. There are two left. "I know." Charlotte said. Dan frowned then stood up correctly to look down to her, expecting her to elaborate. "Devin and Bernard." Dans eyes widened.
"Bernard- that bastard."
"A power siege." Phil chuckled, "They wanted to pull off a whole country power siege." Charlottes expression faded.
"They are here to meet up with the German GETA." Her voice turned serious. Phil looked up at her now.

"Would you like to rest or would you like to see where their hideout is?" Charlotte asked. Schultz smirked at the two boys. Dan and Phil both said in unison, "Let's get the GETA." A moment passed.
"I will be here doing what I do best, I suppose." Schultz spoke in his hoarse voice.
"What would that be? Procrastinate?" Charlotte smiled at her friend. Dan opened his mouth to say something, but then he closed it again. "Come on." Charlotte beckoned.

They were all tired, but not to the point where they couldn't stalk a criminal organization by jumping from building top to building top like a threesome of ninjas. Okay, let's be honest, Dan was tired ever since he was born. They had travelled for some time before Charlotte halted them. "We're above them." She said and pointed down to the roof that they were standing on.

Once in the upper beams of the building, the three slid into the vents; Charlottes dark red spandex leggings reducing her shuffling sound. They finally came to a cross section in the vents, and directly in the middle of the cross section was a vent-grate which gave the view of, what seemed to be, a conference room. The three stayed silent as they got comfortable about waited around the vent opening. It was roughly half an hour before anyone came in the room.

A handful of people entered the room and sat in silence, just staring at each other. The polished wooden conference table was clean and bare. One single document was passed around to each member of the table. No one said a word as each of them read it in silence and signed it. Dan looked at Phil in confusion, which then turned to sternness. The members of the group around the conference table stood up and dismissed each other when the document was returned to a certain well dressed man. They all exited the room with the man carrying the document staying at the table instead of following his peers.

Dan wanted to burst in through the ceiling and knock the man out, but he had to restrain himself for everyone else's sake. After having a read-down of the document, he folded it neatly in to an envelope, hid it in his breast pocket on his grey coat, and left the room. Charlotte smiled as her secret predictions became correct. She beckoned the British men to follow her out of the vents and back up onto the roof.

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