Chapter 7: Cleaning the Corners

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"Did she just hide us away like Je-"
"It was smart, okay?" Phil cut Dan off. They heard a sniff. It was from the other side of the bookshelf. Phil looked to Dan with a concerned expression. "Charlotte?" Phil called out. Dan then started to push the bookcase away with the help of Phil. They appeared in the main area with the kitchen and dining table.

Charlotte was on the ground of the kitchen. Blood was over a lot of the apartment, and it seemed like Charlotte was crying as she scrubbed the blood from the floor with a rag. "Charlotte? Are you alright?" Phil panicked and raced over. Dan looked wide eyed at the scene; almost tripping over a fallen chair. Charlotte looked up to Phil. She wasn't crying. "Sorry," Charlotte smiled and attempted to wipe her eyes, "those assholes tried to pepper spray me. They missed, don't worry."
"Are you hurt?" Phil said, looking around at the blood sprayed across the tiles, cabinets and walls.
"Not really- It's just my eyes that sting a little. The blood is their's." Charlotte spoke as she continued to scrub.
"Whose?" Phil asked in frustration.
"That's why I hid you. You can't know."
"They were after you."
"Who was after us?"
"I can't tell you."
"Why?" Phil was becoming a little aggressive now.
"Because then you would go after them." Charlotte said. She paused, then scrubbed the tiles some more, letting her hair fall over her shoulders and cover her face. Dan stared at Phil with an expression of hollowness. The black-haired man stood up to meet his best friends gaze. "I will help rinse her eyes. You should clean up." Dan said. Phil nodded, and they both got to work.

It was an hour that passed, and Dan had helped Charlotte wash her eyes of spray, and Phil had cleaned the walls of the apartment. No one had talked during that time, except for Phil asking, "Why is there so much blood?" and Charlotte then replying, "I accidentally sawed off one of their hands... and one of them lost their nose... and one of them lost half of their foot."
"You didn't kill anyone?" Phil asked. Charlotte kept silent.

By the end of this, Phil's mind was running like a car engine at the Grand Prix. He couldn't stop thinking. Dan noticed this, and studied his friends behaviour. It was quite odd to see Phil like this- not that the past week and a half has been crazy for the both of them, but when Dan took the time to settle he became more comfortable. He started recognizing things that seemed out of place. Phil had done the same, but accepted it as normality.

"Why did you try to drug us?" Dan asked Charlotte. She sighed. She didn't like explaining herself, even though she likes being as straight forward as possible. She replied, "I didn't want you to remember the raid if they got to you. You wouldn't have had to fight back if they tried to take you." Dan and Phil were very confused, like they had been for the past while. "Did you know them?" Phil asked, now approaching Charlotte.

"Were they old friends?"
"... Yes."
"Did you kill anyone?"
"No." Charlotte said. Dan and Phil sighed in relief.
"Don't murder your friends." Phil said jokingly and smirked.

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