Chapter 12: Stardust Steven

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The three were out on the street in their casual looking clothes, hiding handguns and their utility belts away. They strutted down the alleyway towards the doorway illuminated by pink neon lights and walls letting the music from inside escape. The bouncer at the front of the doorway crossed his arms as the trio came near.

"Hi." Dan said awkwardly. The bouncer said, in German, that no one could enter the club at the moment. Charlotte translated it for Dan and Phil. Charlotte spoke to the bouncer for a few minutes, trying to get out of him why people weren't allowed in. He stayed silent and ignored her. Phil placed a hand on his hip and tilted his head to the side. "Do you speak English?" Phil asked in a sassy tone.

"Yes." The bouncer said.
Charlotte caught on straight away. Also in a sassy tone, she said, "I translated all of that for nothing? Ugh."
"Sir, listen up." Phil raised a finger, "I am going to miss my show and I don't think the big boss in that office up there would like it if a dancer doesn't show up for work because a monkey like you stops him from entering the damn building." Phil placed both of his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrows. Dan pretended to chew some gum and crossed his arms.
Charlotte then said, "I can't believe you don't know Stardust Steven when you see him. Oh my gosh!" She threw her hands up and rolled her eyes, "He has a contract to fulfill."
"I'm going to lose it." Dan said as he flicked his hair and rolled his eyes. The bouncer seemed taken aback.

"Honey, I need you to step out of the way. I have my show to perform and at this rate, you're the one who's going to be fired, not me." Phil spoke offensively, "I'm only here for a few days. For this dump to have an exclusive performer like me is so rare."
"So rare." Charlotte said a little louder, and more extended.
"I'm going to lose it." Dan said again, and then placed his hands on his hips.
"Love, I will shove those shady-ass glasses up your ass if you don't let me get to work." Phil clicked his fingers. The bouncers mouth had gaped open, but at this moment it snapped closed. "My net worth is worth more than this place, and your job, baby." Phil said. Charlotte had pursed her lips and nodded slowly with wide eyes at the bouncer. He finally stepped aside. "Thank you." Phil said in his face, then entered the building, followed by Charlotte then Dan, who whispered sassily but angrily to the bouncer, "I was so close to losing it." on the way in.

"Stardust Steven?" Phil looked at Charlotte.
"What? It was the first thing I could think of." She spoke over the loud music. She was rather pleased she could get in for free as was Dan. "That was some good thinking." Dan said to his friend.
"I know a new video I can make! 'The time I became a stripper'." Phil laughed. Dan shook his head and smiled.
"We both know how crazy Tumblr will go. Porn art for days." Dan spoke loudly.

Cheers of drunken women and perhaps a group of ladies out for hens night and many other women swarmed the large room. Male strippers and waiters wore bow ties around their necks as they danced to the thundering music of the club. "I am so uncomfortable right now." Phil said, and then crossed his arms. A few- presumedly gay- men had already stared him down. "Keep close to me and we will look like a couple." Dan said in Phil's ear.

Charlotte was looking around; she studied everything. She noted escape routes, doorways, different groups of friends and couples. "Dan, what do we do?" Phil asked nervously. Dan seemed uncomfortable himself. The smell of sweat and the heat of the room was getting to him. Charlotte turned around and grabbed each of their sleeves. She brought them to the bar so she could think. "Reminds me of that time with Rachel... When we all got into that bar fight." Phil laughed nervously. Dan chuckled too. The bar tender asked them if they wanted any drinks, and so Charlotte ordered a vodka for each of them. "Where is this man?" Dan asked her. She was sat on a wooden stool and had her forehead resting in her hand as she held her head up. "It's going to be hard to get to him, but I have a plan to draw him out." She said.
"What is it?" Phil asked. The bar tender left the three shots of vodka in front of the trio. Charlotte downed all three; one after the other. "Shit." Dan said with wide eyes. Charlotte exhaled as if her throat burned, and then continued, "You're not going to like it." She said with a haze in her voice. "I'm drinking now so I don't have to remember it."
"What the hell? What is it?" Dan asked.
"Stardust Steven might have to become a real thing."

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