Chapter 4: Berlin and Back-up

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The two men end up getting changed in a couple of toilet cubicles before leaving to Berlin. They walked their way into the busy German capital, and peered around. They would often get looks of questioning if they were tourists or not, but they just avoided eye contact with people. "Well... Let's just hope we don't see any subscribers." Dan said.
"I have never heard you say that before." Phil laughed before stepping ahead.

The pair enjoyed soaking in the atmosphere of Germany. The temperature was cold and, sure, the people were cold, but the British boys enjoyed the cultural difference. They were walking down a frosty streets when Dan spotted a woman. She was maybe a year or two older than Dan, but she didn't look like it.

She was staring right at Phil and himself. Dan slowed his pace to a stop; the people behind him having to detour slightly around him in agitation. "What's wrong?" Phil asked, and then stood by his friend. The woman from across the street still stared. Phil noticed her too. A few moments passed before she seemed to just disappear in the crowd walking by.

"Did you see her?" Dan said.
"Yes. Do you think she is part of the GETA?" Phil asked while sliding his hands into his pockets. The men kept silent, but continued to walk on more cautiously. They kept close to each other; so close in fact, people began to look at them and smile or give them a weird expression. Dan was annoyed at this.

Out on a less populated street, Dan and Phil walked. That is when they heard a voice from behind. They whipped around to see the woman. "Guten Tag!" She smiled brightly. Dan and Phil were stunned.
"Oh, sorry," She stumbled, "hello!" It was an Australian accent, just like Rachel's. The pair kept silent, and looked down on her menacingly. "You two are Dan and Phil, aren't you?" She spoke. They sighed in relief and Dan smiled kindly. "Yes!" He chirped.
"Sorry for the rude introduction." Phil stammered politely.
"It's always lovely to meet a subscriber." Dan beamed, and opened his arms for a hug.
The dark-blonde woman looked at them in confusion. "What the hell? Rachel sent me." She spat. Dan and Phil both closed up with cringe and embarrassment.

"So... Rachel sent you?" Phil spoke. The lady nodded once. He continued, "How did you know we would be here?"
"I have my ways. That's why I know something you don't." She said with a smirk. Dan looked displeased. "Follow me." She said.

It was roughly half an hour of walking before the three appeared at the entrance of the appropriate building. The lady unlocked the front door and they all piled into the warmth of the new room. It was a small apartment.

In what was assumed to be the lounge room and dining area was a small TV, radio, a wooden table and chairs suitable for four people, and the kitchen bench to the right of the establishment. There were doors at the back of the room leading into a bedroom and a bathroom. The blonde woman closed the door and locked it before beckoning Dan and Phil to take a seat.

"My name is Charlotte." She spoke as they sat. She began preparing tea in the kitchen and popped the kettle on. "I was in the original wolf-pack with Rachel." She said and smiled lightly at her comment. She leaned on the bench and watched the men whom returned her gaze. They said nothing. "Rachel got in contact with me again around a week ago. She said you two would be here if you were smart."
"Sounds like Rachel." Dan chuckled nervously.
"I know where the German GETA is." Charlotte spoke clearly. Her luring amber eyes shifted from Dan to Phil. "I haven't given up on Rachel's 'project'." Everyone fell silent once again. "Any questions?" Charlotte asked.
"Didn't the group end in a fire fight? Why are you here? Didn't Rachel shoot everyone?" Phil asked.
"Yes, the group did end in a fire fight. However, she was not there until the end. I wasn't either. The members of the group who had really lost their heads stayed to shoot each other up. Rachel only shot the people who were a danger to her. I left as soon as the first bullet was fired, you know?" Charlotte explained.
"Where are the other members?" Dan asked.
"I don't know. I only came into contact with Rachel last week. So really, anyone could be anywhere." Charlotte said. "Any other questions?"

Phil asked, "Where is the German GETA?"

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