Chapter 11: Call and Contemplation

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"Rachel?" Charlotte answered.
"Hi Charlotte. Guten Day or whatever it is in German..." Rachel spoke.
"Guten Tag?" Charlotte frowned.
"Yeah, anyway-" Rachel continued before she could become distracted, "The Russian outlet is up in flames. They are still running their operation though. This is where things get interesting. Hold on- Are those British clowns with you?"
"Dan and Phil? Yeah, they're sitting down near me. Why?"
"Oh! Thank the heavens nothing bad has happened to them. I would have thrown myself off a bridge if they didn't get to you."
"Rachel, the amount of times you have literally thrown yourself of a bridge-"
"Anyway, anyway," Rachel said, obviously her mind running too fast for her, "the Russian GETA is sending a pod to a satellite. Long story short, the GETA want to cause havoc in the public via the Internet; more specifically, social media. I'm going to take care of the pod, but I need a way to slow down social media."
"Do you want me to go and tamper with the data bases?" Charlotte asked, then turned to see the men looking at her in confusion and awe.
"I don't mind what you do." Rachel said. "This is not their biggest idea, however. We still need to collect documents of their plans to piece together their puzzle. But hey, if the pod comes back into the atmosphere at the rate I calculated- that is, after I mess with it- then it would hit somewhere in India. Do you think you could catch me?"
"What the- wait a second! You're going in to space?" Charlotte questioned. There was no answer. "When is this happening?" She asked. There was no answer again. Finally, a beep was heard, and the phone itself hung up. Charlotte assumed Rachel had to get things under control.

"What's happening?" Dan asked.
"Well," Charlotte lowered the phone.
"Wait! What about sending out a signal! People would be tracking you." Phil said.
"We have our own connection. You do not. You use whatever those companies sell you." Charlotte said. Phil was slightly taken aback at the sudden snappiness, but he did not mind. Dan then said, "You two haven't contacted each other since the group split up, but you have your own network to do so?"
"Yes." Charlotte said.
"Why didn't you talk then?" Dan frowned.
"We didn't need to." Charlotte answered. Phil nudged Dan to stop.
"Neither of us know the whole story about the GETA." Phil stated after a long pause. "I don't suppose you could tell us?"
"I don't know, myself." Charlotte said, then sat down in front of Phil.

"Rachel would know about it all. One thing we do need to get is that document from whoever ran in to the alleyway." Dan and Phil nodded. "I think they might be the people who attacked the apartment." She said, "They could have thought I had the papers, and so went after me- but no. That makes no sense. I swear they were after you..."
"Why would they be after us?" Dan asked. Charlotte looked up to meet his gaze.
"Maybe it has something on it relevant to you." The lady spoke, "I guess we'll find out."

This is when the three rested and prepared themselves for this evening. They drank, ate, and stretched their aching muscles. Germany's skies began to paint a pink colour as the sun began to set. Dan awoke from a nap to find Phil sorting out ropes and bullets with Charlotte. "Hey-" Dan grumbled, then sat up. His legs felt heavy with sleep.
"Hey. Are you full of energy equivalent to a thousand suns?" Phil chuckled. Dan groaned.
"What's the plan?" He mumbled.
"Well, Phil has an idea and I have one too. Which one do you prefer?" Charlotte said.
"One option is to break into the top floor, but that's almost impossible to do quietly and without injury. The other way is to go by the pipes... And we all know that that will take too long."
"And we will smell like poop for eternity." Phil commented.
"Why don't we just pay our way in like normal people?" Dan said with a sort of disgust. Phil and Charlotte made eye contact, then looked back to Dan. "That's actually a good idea." Charlotte spoke, cringing at her own stupidity.

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