Chapter 13: Overlooking the Office

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"Oh man..." Dan began to laugh. He ordered a drink for himself.
"No way! Are you kidding me?" Phil snapped at the dark blonde. "There is no way I can pole dance even if I tried."

Dan started taking sips of his drink.
"I'll film it if you want." He giggled with the glass still around his mouth. Charlotte rolled her eyes and smiled. "You wouldn't want to let the phandom down." She said while cracking up laughing.
"Charlotte! I'm serious! Wait- so you are a subscriber?" Phil questioned, leaning closer to her so she could hear. She began laughing with Dan, who took up a bar stool beside her. "This is not going as planned." Phil grimaced, and shrunk away into the crowd, leaving the slightly drunken Charlotte and Dan at the bar. Phil knew he had to take matters into his own hands, but he didn't know how to work it.

Dressed in publicly unacceptable outfits, female and male waiters and servers dodged through the crowd and handed out alcohols to the people in the club. Phil noticed something. The female waiters looked like the recognized him, but not from YouTube. He saw a man who worked here approach him. He spoke some German before winking at him. Phil, although he didn't understand a thing, he couldn't help but feel slightly violated. "I don't know enough Deutsch." Phil tried to explain.

"Lucky you, many Germans speak English!" The lap-dancer said. "Come with me for 20 Euro."
"No- Nein! I'm not interested." Phil said, blushing awkwardly. This must have been one of the only homosexual dancers the club had; Phil had previously seen only women being approached by workers- but then again, there were mostly only women here. "Pardon?" The shirtless dancer said. The music and bass were too loud for him to hear. This sparked an idea for the British man. "Okay." He said loudly, and nodded. The other man grinned, dragged him away to a separate room, and closed the door.

The room was much quieter, and Phil could now properly see his surroundings. "Euro first." The dancer said to Phil, then held out his hand.
"Actually, I have some questions." Phil said, then pulled out a handgun. The man fell to the ground right away. "Stand up." Phil ordered.
"What do you want?" The man asked as he slowly hobbled back up onto his feet.
"Sit down on the chair." Phil said. The German did so while keeping his hands on his head.

"Why weren't people allowed in to the building?" Phil began questioning as he held the gun in front of the nervous male.
"I don't know."
"Who owns this club?"
"Omar Umzüle."
"Where is he?"
"Where is the office?"
"On building of the top." The German stammered, "I'm meaning, on the top building." Phil excused the English mistakes.
"Is he meeting anyone?"
"Yes. I don't know who. Omar said no one disturbs because it important meeting is." The German said. His nervousness made him anxious to answer, and so he often confused German sentence structure and English sentences.

"Danke." Phil smiled a thank you to the dancer, before handcuffing him to the chair. Phil tucked his gun away, gagged the man with a cloth, took any keys and IDs from the man's jean pockets, and left the room. "This is a place of sin." He whispered to himself with wide eyes as he left. He returned back to the bar to check up on his friends.

Dan looked like a giggling mess, but Charlotte looked fine. She was more slurred in her speech. Phil's gut sank at the thought that he might have to carry them out of the club while they were being shot at, and even worse, being shot and needing to go to hospital because of their drunken state. He continued on his way through the mass of women (and a few men here and there) to find a black-painted door. He unlocked it, and ducked inside.

"Unbelievable." He muttered to himself as he turned around to be confronted with a darkly painted staircase. He made his way up, assuming this is the way to the offices he was told about.

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