Hotel Mishap Gone Good

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"Hey let's go. We're gonna miss our flight if we don't leave now." I yelled for Alex, who was still packing her bathroom bag.

Alex was my best friend since 8th grade. I love her more than One Direction and that is saying something. We do everything together and I can't live without her.

"I'm coming Anna," she yelled back.

We had to leave for Hawaii in 3 hours and the airport was an hour away. Me, being myself always worried about being late. On the other hand

, Alex was carefree, and thats why I love her so much. We balanced eachother out.

"Okay, let's go. Ahh I can't wait. This is gonna be the best summer ever," Alex said, finally coming out of her house.


"Ugh, we're gonna miss the flight," I franticly said sitting in Atlanta trafic.

Alex was sitting in the passenger seat on Twitter, "Anna, look."

I did and couldn't believe what I was reading.

Twitter:The boys will be spending their time off this summer in if you're going...I wish you the best on finding them...

"What. I can't believe it," I was so excited.

Alex and I love One Direction so fav being Niall and hers Harry. We went to only two concerts because we spent all of highschool saving up for this trip. But now that I think about it... I'm glad we did.


"Flight to Hawaii, now boarding," a voice over an intercome said.

We had finally made it to the airport after sitting in trafic for about what seemed forever.

We took our seats and began to discuss what to do on our trip.


"I think we should just wing it," I caught myself saying. It happens sometimes due to being around Alex.

"Okay, sounds good to me, Alex said sipping on her water."

"Hey, what about the boys, though. Do you really wanna spend the whole time trying to find them?" I asked.

"Not really, I mean if we see them, awesome, but I don't want to stalk them."

"Same," I responded before falling asleep.

(Sorry the first chapter is so kinda new at this)

(by the way plz vote, follow, and comment)

.....i luv u babes....

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