Hotel Mishap Gone Good continued....

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(so i tried going to sleep but cudnt stop thinking about updating) here i am babes...

by the way i want to dedicated this to: new friend....srry for my sleep deprivation

....luv ya....


"Hawaii," Alex screams as we land.

I look out my window and it makes me happy. Even though I'm tired I can't wait to have fun.


Our taxi pulls into our hotel, which by the way is beautiful. As were checking in, I think of what a conquincendence it would be if the bous were in the same hotel as us.

We get the key to our suite and head to the room. When we get in, we see that it has 4 bedrooms.

"Why 4 bedrooms Anna," Alex asks in awe.

"I don't know but who cares, we're in Hawii," I say finally letting go of all stress this vacation has brought me."Hey let's put our stuff down and go to the beach."

"Okay," Alex agrees.


"This beach is beautiful," We say laying on the sand.

"Hey watch out. Ahhhh," and girl screams.

"Woah, are you okay?" I sit up seeing a girl with dark brown, almost black hair laying at my feet. Her eyes are dark brown and match her hair perfectly.

"Yeah, sorry," she says.

"It's okay, I'm Anna and this is Alex," I say pointing to Alex, who is now reading a magazine with earphones in.

"I'm Daisy." Her voice is sweet but strong.


"Hahahaha, you're hilarious," I say to Daisy as we walk back to the hotel. She ended up staying in the same one as Alex and I.

"Well, we'll see you in our room in 10 minutes, then we'll go get something to eat," Alex says as we go our separate ways.


"She's really nice Alex and ....", I say walking into our room only to be greeted by a British and Irish accent talking about the bags in our room.

Alex and I stand there while the boys we have dreamed about meeting walk toward us.

"...Ummmm..hi," Niall says.

Inside Alex and I are freaking out, but all of a sudden Daisy walks in to join our mental state. The three of us just stand there until Harry Niall aksed "Are these you're bags?"

I pull myself together and nudge Alex and Daisy. "Yeah. Umm I think there might have been a mistake with our room. I'm Anna. This is Alex and Daisy," I say making him smile.

God I love that smile, only I have never seen it in person.

"Well I can go to the front desk and see if there's another room, if this is too much for you ladies," Harry spoke up.

"No it's fine. Sorry," I said.

Alex and Daisy were still in shock as Harry seemed to notice so I turned around and gave them a look that shook them out of it.

"Sorry," they both say making Niall and Harry laugh.


An hour later we're all sitting on the couch, Niall and I eating some grapes and watching Tv when Louis, Liam, and Zayn walk in.

Daisy gasps and Harry speaks up to cover it. "Hey guys."

The boys look at us and Louis says, "The front desk said there are no more rooms."

I mentally scream 'yayyyyyyy.'

"Who are these girls," Zayn says while looking at daisy.

"Hi, I'm Anna. This is Alex and Daisy." I say cuz Alex and Daisy keep getting starstruck.

"These are the girls that also have this room," Niall says stuffing grapes in his mouth.

Alex corrects him,"Well just Anna and I have this room. Daisy's in another room."

Zayn asks,"Why isn't she with you? There are fours bedroom you know."

"We just met her today and invited her to dinner," I say.

Zayn nods,"Oh."

Niall interrupts," Can we come to dinner, I'm staving."

We laugh knowing that Niall is always


"Yeah, of course," I say looking at Niall holding an empty bowl where the grapes used to be.

"We'll we have to change first," Alex says reminding me that I'm stll in my bathingsuit.


Daisy, Alex and I go to my room to get ready.

"Oh my God," Daisy says as the door closes behind us.

Alex and I laugh at her wondering why we're so calm ourselves.

We get ready, looking one last time in the mirror, then walk out to meet the boys.







im not tht well of a writer

well bye luvs✌✌✌✌

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