Hotel Mishap Gone Good

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(Sorry for the cliffhanger last time...but i hope u liked it... i sure did... by the way.. i wanna dedicate this chapter to my best friend... I luv Alex.... and i knw how much u love cliffhangers... ahahaha ....okay okay guys ENJOY.....)

.....Flashback at the pool.....

Alex's POV

When the others leave, Harry grabs my waist underwater and pulls me to the steps to get out.

"I wanna ask you something," he says making me a little nervous.

"Ask away." I try to sound calm.

"Well I really like you Alex and I've never liked someone as much and as fast as you. I'm so glad the hotel had a mishap, cause it helped me meet you.... What I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend Alex?"

He must of been taken aback by my face full of shock. I mean he's The Harry Styles and he wants me to be his girlfriend... ahh.... what do you do in this moment of happiness and shock?

He turns away... oh no...what should I do?

Once I have composed myself, I grab his arm and kiss him... it's all I could think to do...

'Good choice Alex'...

When our lips meet.... my heart stops and then starts pounding.... i love it...

He pulls away with a smile on his face..... and then pulls me closer and closer until there's no room left between us....

It seems like ages until we are split apart by a security gaurd flashing a flashlight in our faces......

"The pool is closed. You're not supposed to be here..." he says while we stand up still holding hands.... I will never get used to this feeling..


We're standing in the elevator and Harry turns to me... " Sorry we were interupted," he apoligizes before pulling me into yet another kiss which last until we get to the door...

I break away... "We should go in now."

He nods with a little smile but I can tell he's sad he can't keep kissing me....

"Trust me Harry, I'm sad too.."

He kisses me one last time before we go in....


We walk in and are greeted with our friends sitting on the couch staring us down...I can feel my cheeks and they are redder than a strawberry...

We are still holding hands when Anna and Daisy get up and pull me into the room.....


Anna's POV

"And that's all," Alex finishes telling us everything.

"Awwww," Daisy and I say looking at this girl in front of us who looks madly, truly, deeply in love...

"Don't look at me like that. I'm so confused..."she breaks us from our silence.

"Sorry," we both say while she gets up and walks back and forth freaking out...

"I'm so confused, my heart hurts but in a good way, and my palms are sweaty, ahhh help me," she says sitting back down crying...

"Aww, Alex, I think you may love Harry." I say recieving a loud cry causing a knock on the door...


Harry's POV

When we got back to the room, Anna and Daisy grab Alex and pull her away....

They shut the door to their room and started talking quietly....

"Sooo," Louis says with a huge grin on his face already knowing my answer.

So I tell them everything ending with..."I'm so confused; she makes me not think straight and ahhh, help."

" I think you love her man," Niall says calming without looking at me and eating an apple.

"Yeah," the other boys agree.

Am I?

I start to talk but am interupted by a loud cry coming from the girls room. It sounds like Alex...

"I'll see what's wrong." Liam gets up and knocks on their door.


Daisy's POV

"Is she okay?" We hear Liam say from outside the door. I get up and let him in giving the boys a 'one sec' look.

Liam sits on the bed next to Anna. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, she's just crying about her feelings for Harry," Daisy blurts out. Alex cries again falling into the pillows.

Liam's POV

Should I tell them that Harry loves Alex..."Well, I know he really likes you Alex and he can't live without you, " I say deciding against it.


She sits up and hugs me....

"Thanks Liam," she says her tears stopping.

"Can we tell him Alex?" Anna says quietly to her friend now laying on my sholder.

Alex nods still laying on me. Anna tells me everything finishing with... "She loves him Liam, that's why she's crying."

I have to tell them....

"Guys, there's something I didn't tell,"

They look at me waiting for me to say it....

I grab Alex's hand and pull her to face me "Alex, Harry......"

There's another knock on the door....

"Paul wants to see us in the lobby real quick Li," Louis steps in with a small smile on his face...

Liam gives a look to me and and then to Alex....

He gets up and walks out the door.....


Hotel Mishap Gone GoodWhere stories live. Discover now