Chapter 2

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Matt's POV

I watched as Anna walked away from where I stood. The almost accident made me smile and wince at the same time. My phone had dropped as I tried to connect it to the car's hands-free holder. I had picked it up quickly but then by the time I looked up, I saw her in the way.

I mentally froze but my reflexes took over as I honked and pushed down on the break. I was so close to hitting her. It took me a moment but I finally got out of the car. I walked to the front where she stood with her eyes closed in fear. I had been both scared and anxious.

Five months ago. That was how long I had taken notice of her. At first, I hadn't been sure if she'd been working at the gym for longer. But after a conversation with Jim, I confirmed that she had been working for just that long.

She had an air about her that reached out to me. The way she held her head high but spoke politely. I hate to admit that I watched her more times than I care to count while she worked.

But then it hit me that she said she was heading to work which made me frown.

I took a deep breath and walked back to my car while sneaking glances at her as she walked down the street. Without a second's thought, or considering where I was meant to be heading, I drove towards her. When I came closer to her, I wound down the passenger's window and leaned away from my seat.

"Hey," I called out to her,

She did a double-take before coming to a stop. She looked at me like she couldn't believe that I had followed her.


"Can I give you a ride somewhere?"

"Uh, no, I'm good." She said looking unsure, "I'm just heading to the next block."

"Oh?" He waited for her to go on,

"Is it somewhere I know?" He asked when she didn't offer more information,

"Maybe not." She said,

"Try me." I knew there was no way I would know the place. I lived and worked on the other side of town. I only came to this side of town because of the gym.

"Kat's." She said, "It's a café right on the next block."


"So, I can walk. But thank you." She said,

"See you around, Anna."

She gave a small smile before she went on her way.

Anna's POV

I pushed the door and walked into Kat's.

Katherine, my best friend and the owner of Kat's looked up from behind the counter where she worked.

"Belle" She called,

The café was not open yet, so there were no customers.

"You're late."

"I'm sorry. I almost got run over."

"What?" She looked at me with wide eyes, "When? How?"

"It's ok, I'm fine," I said as I joined her behind the counter to help,

She looked at me from head to toe,

"Are you sure?"

"Uh, I'm standing right in front of you. So, yea, I'm sure." I took the clean cloth from her and continued the task she'd started,

Kat suddenly hugs me and I'm so stunned at the unexpected display of affection,

"I'm glad you're alright." She sighs,

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