Chapter 22

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Kat's POV

Who the heck could be knocking by this time of the night?

I heard the bang and the ring again.

Did I say knocking? I meant banging.

"Hold your horses!" I yelled

I reached the door and looked through the peephole.

No! I was definitely still asleep. What was Matt doing here?

"Who is it?" I asked just to be sure

"Kat? It's Matt, open up" I heard Matt say loud an clear

"Why? What are you doing here by this time of the night?"

"I need to talk to Anna"

"She isn't here" I lied

"Save me the lies, Elsa told me she's here"

"Why the heck would Elsa tell you that"

"Cause she wants me to make things right between Anna and I"

"After what you did to my best friend, I wouldn't let you come as near as a kilometre away from her"

"Kat, I know now that I was wrong. I should have believed her..."

"But you didn't. Instead you sent her out, into the streets where she almost lost..." I stopped myself from saying anymore before I spill what isn't my beans to spill

"Where she almost lost what?" I heard Matt's curiosity

"Isn't my place to say what she lost"

"C'mon Kat, you're killing me" he sounded frustrated and angry

"You're doing that all by yourself, I have no hand in it. Anna's sleeping right now, she's emotionally and physically drained. Come back another time when she can decide by herself if she wants to speak to you or not" I heard him sigh

"Fine. Just tell her I came by"

"Goodnight Matt" I said and made my way back upstairs to my room. I saw Anna at the top of the stairs.
"You're up?"

"Couldn't sleep with all the banging and ringing"

I nodded.

"What did he want?"

She heard.

"He wanted to see you"

"Me?" She asked like I just said Theo James wants to marry her "After three months, why would he want to see me now?"

"Don't know. Told him to come back when it isn't midnight"

"I bet he wouldn't" she said and went back to her room.

"Goodnight Anna"

"'Night Kat"

I sighed. This was getting interesting. Elsa has done the impossible. I smiled.

I wonder why Matt's here now?

Does he know about the baby? Or does he really want to make things right between him and Anna like he said?

Anna's POV

Last night Matt woke Kat and I up just because he wanted to talk to me.

What the heck does he want after three months?

I attended to the customers as Kat helped me.

"Anna, Kat" I heard a female call

I looked up to find a smiling Elsa.

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