Chapter 25

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Anna's POV

I woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes. I went to the bathroom and did my morning rituals. Then I went downstairs to see what was cooking.

I entered the kitchen and saw Martha.

"Smells delicious" I said

She turned round
"Ms. Anna. It's so good to see you again" she said happily

I hugged her
"I missed you Martha"

"Me too" she said when I let go of her. Then she noticed my belly bump "Oh My! You have a little one inside you"

I nodded.

I saw she wanted to touch my belly but wasn't sure if I'd like it.

"Go ahead Martha" I told her

She smiled and placed her palms lightly on the belly bump

We both turned when someone cleared their throat.

"Mr O'Connell" Martha removed her hands "The pancakes are ready"

"Thank you Martha" Matt said

"I'll just serve them" she said and went back to work

Matt looked at me and walked towards me
"Good morning" he said "How's the baby?"

"It's...wo-oh!" I placed my hand on my belly

"What's wrong?" He was scared

"It...moved, again" I said surprisingly "This is the second time its happened"

"Ohkay, what's wrong with that?" He asked

"Nothing. It's just that..." you were there both times "...nothing, never mind." Before he could say anything else "I'm starving"

We had breakfast. Martha went to get groceries. My cravings included. I stayed in my room till I thought Matt had gone to work. Then I went downstairs to watch my favourite t.v. series Beauty and the Beast.

I was laughing at Heather who was trying to push J.T to get back together with Tess. And J.T was shutting her up but she kept on talking.

"Looks like you're not bored" I heard Matt say

I turned my head to look at him. Surprised he was still here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"Hmm, This is my house" he said

"I mean, what are you doing home, you're suppose to be at work" I said

He came to sit on one of the chairs
"I kinda took a break"

"Matt. Taking a break from work. That's unusual" I said "Are you fine?"

He smiled "I am. Just had to take care of something very important"

"Important than work?" I asked

I thought nothing was more important than work for Matt.

"Much more"

"What could be much more important than work?"

He didn't say anything for a while
"You...and the baby"

My heart did a double take.
"Matt, you don't need to baby sit me. I can take care of myself and the baby"

"I don't want you to" he said "I want to be here with you"


"No Anna. You act like you've forgiven me, but I know you haven't. The pain I caused you is still deep in your heart, and I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness...except letting you go. If I let you go again, I don't think I'll survive it." He said "Just tell me what I have to do"

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