Chapter 18

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I arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later. I got in and I was stopped by someone.

"Reservation?" The blonde lady asked

"Uh, no. I was asked to meet up with someone here"

"Name please?" she asked

"Belle, Annabelle Vaughn" I said as she scanned her pad.

She looked at me and smiled
"Right this way Miss Vaughn, Mr Cooper is waiting for you" she said and made her way inside

I followed her, right behind. She stopped at a table where a man sat. I couldn't see if it was Nick cause his back was to me.

"Thank you" I smiled at her as she left. I moved forward a little and looked at the man.

It was Nick.

He looked up and stood up.
"Annabelle, so glad you could make it" he said

"It's fine" I sat down and he did the same

Okay, he is a gentleman. But that doesn't mean I like him.

"Hope the place wasn't hard for you to find?" He asked

"No, wasn't a problem" I said

He smiled and placed his hands on the table

"So, you wanted to meet up?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you and apologize"

"For what?" I asked, even though I knew

"For thinking you were with Matt for his money" he said

"Why would you think I'm with Matt for his money?" I asked

"Every girl he's dated has been with him for his money. I didn't think you'll be any different" he said calmly

"My mum's sick and in the hospital. Yes. That would not make me be with Matt for his money. So I'll tell you again. I'm not with him for his money. You can start minding your business and leave mine and Matt's alone" I was getting angry "Cause he wouldn't like you poking in our business. He wouldn't even believe you if you told him cause he trusts me that much" I got up and took my bag

"The truth always comes out" He smiled

What the heck was he talking about? What truth?

"Matt doesn't need this from you. To know that he loves me, that is everything to me and I wouldn't let you put that idea in his head. He trusts me, and it wouldn't even cross his mind that I'm with him for his money, even though you think I am, but I am not" with that I walked out of the restaurant.

I was boiling with fury and Kat would know what to do to calm me down, so I drove off to Kat's.

Nick's POV

I smiled after she walked out. That was all I needed. I thought it was gonna be hard getting her to talk but she just kept on rambling about how she loved him and how he loved her and trusted her.

She messed up my sister by being together with Matt, I'm gonna give her a piece of her own medicine.

Let's see if Matt trusts her as much as she says he does. I watched her get into her car.

I picked up my phone.

"Follow her" I said "Don't call back without the pictures" I hung up and left the restaurant

Anna's POV

I parked the car in front of Kat's. Locked the car and made my way inside.

"Anna?" I heard someone call my name before I could make it inside

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