Chapter 1

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Anna's POV

My attention was focused on the stubborn spot on the mirror that was taking longer to wipe off. I had gone from bending at my back and knees to kneeling on the floor and dealing with it more personally. It was like an itch you couldn't scratch.

I was so lost in the task at hand that I'd forgotten where I was. I felt something against my feet behind me and shifted my attention to investigate what or who it was.

I had just mistakenly tripped someone.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized as I rose from the floor and stared at the man in horror,

"Keep your feet out of the way!"

"I-I'm really sorry."

"Idiot." The man said as he turned around and walked away in the direction of the weight at the gym.

I tried to brush off the insult, yet again. You would think that getting looked down on and insulted almost daily would be a norm for me. But my skin hadn't grown thick enough to brush it off as quickly as it came.

I let out a sigh and turned around to face the mirror. I stared at the spot that was closer to the ground and decided it was better to deal with it later. I scanned the length of the mirror which took up an entire wall on one side of the gym.

Good job.

I thought as my gaze caught his and I froze.

After working at the gym for over five months, you would think I would've gotten used to the members and non-members that came in and out while I worked. I have and I did but this man was just...

There aren't words I can use to describe him. He oozed self-confidence and high class, not to mention good looks. Sometimes it almost hurt to look at him and I felt even guilty looking at him while he worked out, which I'd done countless times. But as soon as I got comfortable looking at him, I would remember that I was where I belonged and he was where he belonged.

Is he looking at me or is this my imagination?

I wondered as our gaze held in the mirror while he ran on the treadmill.

I quickly plucked my gaze from his unsure if it was a smile I saw right before I looked away. Without wasting any more time, I went back to work and went about my day as I normally would.

I was done half an hour later. I cleaned up in the bathroom and packed up my things before I headed out. I had to get Kat's, my second job, where I worked as a waitress.

I need two jobs because one isn't enough to pay the house bills and my mum's medical bills. I was a few months shy of getting my degree when my parents got into a car crash six months ago. I lost my dad that day, and my mum went into a coma.

It was hard. Burying one parent and hoping I didn't have to say goodbye to the other.

I was lost in thought that I didn't hear the car heading towards me as I moved to cross the gym's parking lot. The loud beeping sound came too late as I froze up and stared at the incoming car.

I never thought I was that girl who stayed in the middle of the road and screamed while a car came at her. But as I closed my eyes and waited for the impact, I knew I was that girl. They say you never know what you'll do in a moment until that moment comes. And there I was, eyes shut tightly still waiting for the impact.

I heard a door slam which reverberated in my heart. I opened one eye and then the second to find the car had stopped a few inches from where I stood.

"Are you alright?"

"I think..." I looked up as the driver came towards me,

Oh no! It's him.

I stared at him, once again, frozen and speechless.

Every time. Snap out of it!

I yelled at myself.

"I am."

He scanned my face with a frown,

"Are you sure?"

"A little shaken, but I'll live." I tried to get my heart rate back to normal not sure if it was from the almost accident or the man standing right in front of me.

"I'm really sorry."

I shook my head,

"I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Neither was I." He confessed with a pained look, "And I honked too late."

"At least you were quick enough to act." I said almost smiling at my stupidity, "I just stood here, frozen."

He smiled and I felt the breath leave me.

How could he get even more gorgeous?

I asked no one but myself.

I almost swooned but snapped myself out of whatever ridiculousness I was in.

"Well, uh, have a good day." I said and made a quick escape from his gorgeousness, "And I'm sorry about...this."

"I'm not." He called,

I stopped a few feet away from him, not sure I had heard right. I turned around to look at him, confused.

"I'm not sorry."

"For almost running me down?"

"Ok, maybe for that. But not for having an excuse to talk to you."

I am definitely hearing that wrong and definitely mistaking the look in his eyes for uncertainty.

"Why would you want to talk to me?"

He shook his head, looking confused,

"Why wouldn't I?"

His gaze roamed my face as if searching for something,

"You seem confused."

I stared at him in silence almost debating the fact that someone already ran me down and I was unconscious having this daydream.


His use of my name brought me back and I frowned,

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh, I heard Jim call you often."

Jim was the operations manager at the gym.


"I'm Matt." He offered,

I blinked as I stared at him needing to snap out of whatever haze I was in. It truly felt surreal to have him stand in front of me and have a conversation with me.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"I am. I's weird to have you talking to me."

"Why is that?"

"Well because I'm me and you're you."

He smirked,

"It would be weirder if you were me and I were you."

"I just mean that I clean the gym and you..."

"You better not say what I think you're about to say."

I stared at him with my mouth hanging open,

"You are a member?"

"And is there a rule that says we can't converse?"

"No, but the only kind of conversation I've had with members are one-sided insults." I said, "So, this is new for me."

"I'm sorry about that." The look in his eyes tugged at her,

"You didn't do anything. Plus, I'm used to it." Or trying to get used to it.

I tapped my finger on my jeans as I waited for the moment to pass.

What am I doing?

"Uh, I have to get to work." I said moving backwards,"It was nice to meet you, Matt, officially."

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