Chapter 26

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Anna's POV

I can't exactly remember how long Kat and I waited but its morning already and we haven't heard anything from Elsa or Matt.

This is so frustrating.

Kat has been trying to get me back to bed but I known even if I did go to bed, I wouldn't sleep.

So what's the use.

"What could be taking them so long?" Kat asked

My legs were shaking out of habit.

Then we heard the front door open. Kat and I got up as Elsa and Matt entered the house.

Matt wasn't looking like Matt.

He looked like he'd been deprived of something. Well we all know what that something is.

"Oh my God, what happened?" Kat asked

I just stared at Matt. I couldn't say anything. My legs were frozen on the spot and my lips were sealed. That's when I noticed that I was trembling.

"He was put behind bars and I couldn't bail him out till a few minutes ago" Elsa said

Matt went to the kitchen and took a bottle of water.

"Why?" Kat asked

"Well, Nick's lying unconscious in the hospital. That should answer everything else" Elsa said

Kat smiled and looked at Matt "Nice work Matt. I would've done the same"

I gave her a death glare which wiped the smile off her face.

"We should leave" Kat told Elsa still looking at me "I don't wanna end up like Nick" she said going towards the door

"We'll see you later Anna. Take care of yourself" Elsa said

I nodded and they left.

I looked back at Matt who was looking at me. I walked to the kitchen and stayed infront of him. The kitchen counter between us.

"So...?" I said with my heart hammering in my chest "You beat him up"

"Wasn't enough" he said

I sighed
"Matt, I understand what Nick did was wrong but he doesn't deserve that"

"He deserves that and more" he sounded frustrated

"Okay. Fine. Let's say he got what was coming for him and ended up worse than he is now. You end up in jail. What then am I suppose to tell our child?" I asked

He looked at me with sad eyes

"That his father is a good man but he beat someone to death!" I spat. My eyes were tearing up "You didn't even think of what was gonna happen next. You just up and left." The tears I was trying to hold in escaped

He shut his eyes really tight
"Anna..." he came round the counter and hugged me so tight like he never wants to let go "...I'm sorry. I know I've been saying that a lot but I mean it. I am truly sorry for all the pain I've caused you" he pulled back and touched my face lightly "I still don't know how and why you forgave me"

My heart raced
It's because I still love you Matt. I always have and I always will. You've caused me pain but you've also made me happier than I've ever been for so long. I still don't know what you see in me.

"Lets get you to bed. Doctor doesn't want you on your feet" he guided me to my room and tucked me into bed.

He was about leaving when I held his hand.

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