Chapter 7

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Matt's POV

Was she serious?

She couldn't figure it out. All my lady friends would be swooning and flirting with me right now if I ever said that to them - and that's a really big 'if' - but she hasn't even figured it out yet.

She was making me go bananas.

"How's your mum?" What the f**k? Why did I just blurt that out?


Now she was gonna be suspicious.

Well done Matt, you're doing a good job winning her over. I mentally punched myself.

Her spoon hung in the air for a moment then she put it back on her plate.

"I don't know. Dr. Adams hasn't called"

"You don't go to see her?"


"Why not?"

"I, I can't see her like that. I don't want to. I've tried my best to stay strong since my dad's funeral. But if I go to see my mum, every tear I've kept inside will explode out of me. I'm not strong, I pretend to be but I'm not. Sometimes I wish I was in that bed and my mum was alright"

"You're very strong. You just don't know it yet. I haven't even seen you cry about it" She was on the brink of crying

"Oh there was waterworks at my dad's funeral. I was the only family member that was left, except Kat"

"You guys are really close Uh?"

"Yea, she's like the sister I never had" a little smile played on her lips

"How long have you guys been close"

"Ten years"


"What of you and Nick?"

"Three years"

"You guys are close?"

"Yea but lately, No"

"Why? What happened?" She began eating

"He doesn't like you"


"Don't worry I don't care what he thinks. I like you regardless" I said and I wasn't surprised that it was the truth

"You like me?" She looked star struck

"Of course, why would I ask you to be my girlfriend?"

She smiled that beautiful, breath taking smile of hers.

"So, you haven't told me anything about your sister"

"Oh. Well, she's the same age as you. She'll love you"

"Really? What's her name?"


"Like the cartoon?" She smiled

I laughed "Yea, like the cartoon"

Yea, so I watched Frozen as a child. No big deal. Nick still watches Sponge Bob Square Pants.

"Where is she?"

"New York. She works at a fashion industry. She's a designer. She graduated a few days ago"

"Oh. Well congratulations" she has a little pained expression on her face

"Thanks. What's wrong Anna?"


"Don't lie to me"

She looked up at me away from her food.
"If the accident hadn't happened, I'd have graduated and parents would still be here"

The Pregnant soon-to-be WifeWhere stories live. Discover now