Chapter 11

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After working at the gym the next day, I told Jim that I wouldn't be coming anymore cause I was going back to school and I wouldn't have any time left.

Kat was happy for me even though she'd miss me. I told her I'd come see her and call her everyday. I also told her that she could come to Matt's place to see me if she needed me anytime. Since I was gonna go to classes from Matt's.

Matt didn't want me far away from him. So he told me to take the day classes. So I'll be going every morning; his driver would be taking me.

Finally I was going back to finish school. I would finally have a job and be able to take care of my mum and the bills without any problem. All thanks to Matt.

He was a life saver. He was my guardian angel.

One more thing I had to do before I resume for school. I had to see my mum.

"Kat can I go now, I have to do something really important"

She knew what it was immediately she looked at me.

"Go" she gave me a little smile

I removed the apron I wore which had the Kat's logo on it.


I took my bag and left. I called Matt when I was outside Kat's along the pedestrian way.

He answered on the first ring

"Anna? Is everything alright?" He sounded concerned

"Yea, everything's fine. I just called to ask you the location of my mum's hospital"

There was a silence on the other end


"Yea, I'll send it to you"


"Do you want me to come with you?"

" I need to this alone"

"Okay. Call me if you need me"

I smiled even though I knew he couldn't see me


A few seconds later I got a message from Matt; the address to the hospital and the direction.

I took a cab there.

I entered the hospital and took the elevator to the third floor like Matt had said in the text.

The elevator dinged. I got out as other people entered. I looked round for anyone who could point out the direction to the room number Matt also wrote in the text. I saw nurses behind a cubicle and went to them.

"Excuse me?" I said when I reached them

A brunette looked at me
"Can I help you?"

"Hmm, I'm here to see my mum"


"Meghan Vaughn"

She typed in the name into the computer
"Ugh, room 214" she looked at me "Down the hall to your right" she pointed at my left side

"Thanks" I smiled at her and made my way down the hall.

I got to the front of room 214. My hand on the knob. I sighed before I opened the door.

I saw my mum laying on the bed, her eyes closed like she was asleep and drips, and wires fixed on her with monitors beside her bed.

I let out my breath. My vision was getting blurry. I walked slowly to her bed and sat on the chair that was near it. I took her hand in mine.

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