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"Anna?" He came close to me


"Look at me and tell me what you just said"

I didn't oblige.

He put his arm around my waist and pulled me to him, then I looked at him breathing fast.

"Now repeat what you said"

"T-they told me, to tell you that I love you and that I'll be a coward and a chicken if I didn't"

A moment passed.

I was embarrassed so I put my face down. Matt put his fingers under my chin and brought my face to his.

"Do you?" He asked

"Do I what?"

"Love me?" He asked

He waited for my answer. My heart was pounding and my pulse had gone over the roof.

It was now or never.

"I do. I guess I always have. I just needed time to figure it out. I was scared and unsure. But now I'm positive...I Love you Matt, more that anything. I don't want to lose you. I would never survive without you. I Love you, only you, no one else"

He smiled tentatively.

He leaned into me slowly and kissed me with love and tenderness. It was slow and gentle.

"I Love you too. I was wondering if you were ever gonna tell me when I wasn't asleep" he smiled

What did he me...Shit! He heard me this morning.

"I thought you were asleep" I was so embarrassed

"I was, till I felt you staring at me"

"Oh My God!" I covered my face

"Anna" he chuckled "Its okay. I held on to it cause I wasn't sure when you were gonna tell me to my face"

He smiled and I smiled back at him.

A moment passed and we became sober.

"I Love you" he said

"I Love you too" I said

He leaned in and kissed me like our lives depended on it.

I moaned. He deepened the kiss and twirled his tongue in my mouth. It was hot, passionate and burning.

"Matt..." I moaned

"Anna!" He said with a warning tone

"...aren't you hungry?" I managed to ask with his lips now on my neck

"I am...only for you my love" he said and kissed me hard and rough on my mouth. The passion enveloped us and filled the room.

"Anna, I can't wait any longer" he said

"Me too"

He turned the gas off and carried me to our room.


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