Chapter 27

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Anna's POV

After I woke up, I went in search of Matt. I finally found him, we hung out on the deck till an island finally came into view. I was so surprised and blown away by how beautiful it was. Matt told me it was his family's island and he wanted to spend time with me on it.

We finally got to the island. Matt helped me down the Yacht, then we walked towards the house. It was so beautiful.

Matt showed me to the room he said we'd share. That made me happy. He told me to take the bathroom there and he'll use the other one.

I smiled as he left. I took off my clothes and drew myself a bath. I sat in the tub and relaxed with my arms flung at the sides of the tub. I think I dozed off cause when I woke up. I woke up to Matt's smiling face. I didn't even think to hide myself I just smiled back at him

"Hey" he squatted near the tub

"Hey" I said smiling like an idiot

"You hungry?"

I nodded

"Lets get you out of there" he rose and went took my towel. I got up from the tub and stepped out from it. I noticed Matt staring at my body.

My Matt's getting in my head, I can feel what my body say.

He looked back at my face. Then I realised, this is the first time he has seen me naked...and pregnant.

"You look beautiful" he said as he wrapped the towel round me

"Thanks" I didn't know what to say or what not to say.

Next thing I knew, Matt carried me bridal style into the room and placed me on the edge of the bed.

"Do you want me to help you get dressed?" He asked

"No its fine" I smiled

"Okay" he looked sad "I'll wait for you downstairs"

I nodded, then he left.

I wore a nude and red flowery print flowing maternity gown and left my hair cause I was to hungry to do anything else.

I finally joined Matt who was looking spectacular by the way. He saw me and smiled.

"You always take my breath away" he said as he kissed my forehead.

He always left me without words.

"C'mon let's go" he said

"Where?" I asked

"Outside. To eat" he said

"Oh" I was surprised cause it thought we were going to eat inside. He held my hand as we went outside.

Then I saw it. It was like a tent with a big sofa in the center. Then on the other side of the tent was a table with candles and food.

I stopped in my tracks.

"What?" He turned to face me

I just stared at him.


"It's beautiful Matt" I said

He smiled and pulled me closer to him.
"Anything for you" he kissed my forehead...again.

Not that I was complaining but I'm beginning to get attached to it.

"Lets eat" he said

We sat and ate. We talked about a lot of things.

"So how's work?" I asked once

"Oh no. This is about us. Don't bring work into this." He turned to me and held my hand "I just want to spend some time with you and make sure I earn my forgiveness"

The Pregnant soon-to-be WifeWhere stories live. Discover now