Chapter 23

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Anna's POV

How dare he show his face after three months.

How dare he have the courage to try and walk back into my life again.

No! I wouldn't let him.

I wouldn't let my child have a father like him.

He chose this path for himself. He'll have to live with it.

I thought as I attended to the customers.

"Slow down there, Anna" Kat said "The coffee didn't do anything wrong"

I realised I was clutching the coffee cup too hard.

"Hello" I heard that all to familiar voice again.

I looked up to find the person I can't seem to forget.

"I'll be round back" I heard Kat say before she left


"What are you doing here?" I asked him

"I really do have to talk to you" he said

"There's nothing to talk about. Our conversation ended three months ago, get that into your head" I continued to work

"Anna, please just listen to me..."

"No! You listen to me..." I was on the verge of losing my temper "Stop showing up at the apartment. Stop showing up work. You've ruined everything for me, and now you want to ruin this?" I was hot. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily and looked into his eyes "I won't give you the chance to ruin my life again. You started this...Now I'm ending it" I removed the apron and went to the back to get my things and leave.

I walked out of KAT's through the back door. Kat let me go home to get my head straight. I did all I could to prevent the tears from falling. I needed to be strong, if not for me then for my child.

I was a few blocks away from KAT's when I heard him call my name again. I stopped when he finally reached me.

"Anna, I know I hurt you but..."

"I'm sorry, didn't we just have this conversation?" I asked

He blinked not knowing what to say. This was the first time in so long that I've been this close to him and he still had an effect on me...and my heart.

No! I wouldn't let him in.

"Anna, please just hear me out" he pleaded

I remembered the night he came home and yelled at me to leave. I pleaded for him to tell me what was wrong but he didn't.

"No can do" I continued walking towards the apartment. He followed "And stop bothering me. You have a company that needs you"

"I need you more"

The sincerity in his voice made me stop in my tracks. I turned to him.
"Where were you when I needed you? Where were you when I went to your office to talk to you?"

His face fell

"That's right. You were running your company and minding your goddamn business. Well now the case is reversed, run your company while I mind my goddamn business. I don't want to have anything to do with you ever again." I said and walked out.

I sighed when I realised he didn't follow me this time around.

Now, he'll stay away.

I hoped.

Matt's POV

Yesterday. I just saw a part of Anna's pain. It wasn't all. She just gave me a glimpse. There's still a lot of it inside her. I don't blame her.

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