Chapter One

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Aribella's POV:

 Dear, Aribella

I know you must be very hurt and confused right now as to what is happening. The truth is that I must leave you now, but know that it is not by choice that I am leaving. If there was any other way I swear I would do it. I hope that someday you will understand my reasoning but for now just know that I am doing this to protect you. There is nothing in this world that I love or cherish more than you my dearest. You were the greatest gift of all and as you grow older I hope you blossom into the wonderful person I know you can be. Know that you are never alone. I will come back for you when the time comes. With all my love and my heart, Your Father

That was it, the only thing I had from where I came from, the only thing I have that belonged to my father. Seeing as I have no memories up until I was orphaned, I know nothing of my mother.

 Now, as I read the letter that had been worn from time I felt the familiar tears slip down my face. I got them every time I read it. Seems pointless to read it since I have the words on the letter memorised, but it makes me feel closer to him.

 I don't know what he looks like or any of his favorite things, but I know his handwriting and that some of the letters he writes in script where as others are print. 

 When I was 12, I forced myself to only read it once a year... on my birthday. Today is my 18th birthday the last time I will read this letter in this bed, in this house that I have grown so accustomed to.

My few belongings were already packed all that was left was myself and the letter. As I took one last look around I made my way down the staircase, finding myself in front of 9 other faces. I hadn't been looking forward to saying my goodbyes.

Leaving the foster home brought out two different reactions in those who were stepping out into the world. Excitement, or scared out of their mind but for some reason I'm just numb. I finished saying my goodbyes to the other children who I considered to be siblings, then with tears soaking my face for the second time that day I made it up to Mrs.Peters.

 I couldn't say I was entirely upset about never seeing her again, the woman had never really liked me and I never put any effort into finding out why. She quickly gave me my mandatory check and sent me on my way.

 With my belongings in my backpack and $300 dollars I took my first step out into the world completely terrified.

Present Time

Vince's POV:

I watched as the girl left my bedroom, I couldn't remember her name and to be honest it didn't really matter. I had gotten what I wanted from the girl and that was all I cared about.

It's not like anyone was going to say anything about my choice of lifestyle seeing as I was alpha. Though they may have questioned me in the begining seeing as I was so young, due to my fathers untimely death I became alpha at 17 and now that I am 20, I have proved myself to be a worthy alpha.

 As I laid in my bed I couldn't help but feel sorry for my friends who had found their mates having to talk and cuddle afterwards. Who needed that? That whole meeting your mate and BAM your entire lifestyle changes thing, not for me. I'm more of a one night stand kind of guy myself.

 After taking a shower I made my way down to the kitchen, the center of every werewolf pack house. While digging through the fridge I heard someone entering the room only to find my beta Nick and his mate Rose.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, great just what I needed, despite my excitement due to their presence I decided to acknowledge them "Hey guys, whats up?"

 Rose glanced up at me smiling as wide as possible, I may hate the thought of mates but that didn't draw attention away from me noticing that she was beautiful. If she wasn't mated to Nick I would try her out. "Nothing much"

Then I turned to Nick who was grinning like an idiot, something was definitely up with these two. "Your both acting funny, and doing that  mate thing where you talk in your minds, it makes me left out of the conversation."

 Another thing against mates, their in you mind all the time! I mean yeah you can shield them but still. Rose laughed "You will understand someday when you finally find your mate" I cringed "urghh Rose, don't say such awful things you'll jinx me"

 This got Nicks attention "Jinx, dude are we still in elementary school? And we're excited because we just found out that Rose is pregnant." Rose screeched "NICK, we wern't going to tell anyone yet!"

 "I'm sorry, I can't help it! I feel that weird alpha pull, like I have to tell him everything." I laughed "It's okay guys I wont tell anyone. And congratulations. I've got to go, have fun lovebirds." 

 I shook my head as I walked outside, poor guys life is now officially over. Kids were almost as bad as mates, thank god I don't have either to deal with. I began to take off my clothes as I darted into the woods.

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