Chapter Seven

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I can't believe I'm writing this chapter again. For those who don't know chapter seven was up late last night. I had worked on it for hours and I was really happy with it. Then even after I had received votes and comments on it, the chapter just disappeared. I write everything on the wattpad website because I don't have word on my laptop. So it was completely lost. Urghhhhh T__T So here goes take two. For those of you that had already read chapter seven, I'm really sorry I will try to get this version as close as possible and you will be getting at least one new chapter today . . . .  So now i'm off to write the same chapter I did last night. -_____-

                                                                                      -Britney =^-^=

Vince's POV:

I sat in bed gasping for breath, replaying the dream over and over in my mind. That kiss was amazing, it still gave me chills just thinking about it. It had felt so real I could still smell her scent.

The kiss wasn't what was bothering me though, it was how the dream ended. What had started as a dream had transformed into a nightmare.

What had caused me to shift and why had I attacked the girl? Not that it was really bothering me, but I usually didn't just go around attack people. Thought I didn't break into random peoples houses and makeout with them either.

 After deciding going back to sleep wasn't an option I made my way downstairs only to find Jake in the living room. I quickly made my way towards the kitchen, I just wasn't in the mood to deal with Jake today.

Nick was sitting on the table drinking orange juice from the carton. I grimaced "That's disgusting, what are you an animal."

He grinned "Actually, yes"

He could be such a smart ass sometimes "Whatever, your such an ass sometimes"

"Whats got your panties in a knot?"

I continued to poor myself some milk "Nothing, mind your business"

He rolled his eyes "You know for someone who just found their mate you sure are in a bad mood."

I choked on my milk. "What did you just say?"

"Oh, don't give me that, you know perfectly well what I said."

"I don't know what your talking about"

"Vince, do you honestly believe I didn't notice your behavior last night. I have known your entire life,maybe you can fool the others but I'm not buying it. I know the look, I get it every time I look at Rose, and as much as you were trying to hide it. You had the look."

I decided that lying wasn't going to get me anywhere. "Well, it doesn't matter because I'm ignoring it. I'm way to attached to my man whoring ways to give it all up for a mate."

"Your honestly rejecting your mate? You know that's not going to last right, not to mention your only going to cause yourself pain. I give it a week until your begging that girl to spend time with you and thats assuming you have the strength"

I scoffed "For it to cause me pain I would have to care. Which I don't, so I have nothing to worry about it."

"Well that's a shame man, because she was hot. I mean that body, those eyes, don't tell Rose but if I wasn't mated I'd tap that."

"SHES MINE" I yelled with as much venom as I could muster.

He got a smug grin as he jumped off the table making his way out of the room "hmm, and I thought you didn't care."

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