Chapter Sixteen

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Vince's POV:

After breaking all speeding laws I had finally made it. Taking the stairs two at a time it wasn't long before I was beating on the door.

"Ari, Ari open the door" After no response I began to panic. Breaking the lock as I ran into her apartment and started frantically searching for any sign of her.

Opening the door to her bedroom I let out a sigh of relief.

She was in her bed under mounds of blankets. I held my breath as I made my way over to her placing my head on her forehead. She had a high fever but she was breathing, all the symptoms were there. She was about to change.

I don't know why I hadn't thought about that before. I should have known better than to leave her so close to her change. I had to tell her before her actual transformation began but first she needed to wake up.

Going in her bathroom I found a wash cloth.  After running it over cool water, I quickly placed it on her head trying to help break her fever.

Sitting myself in the chair beside her bed I patiently waited, finally after what seemed like days she began to stir.

I gently shook her "Ari wake up"

Her eyes opened "Vince? What are you doing here? I thought you were suppose to be gone all week."

"Well, I was but.."

She gasped jumping up "I have to get ready for work I'm going to be so late."

I pushed her back down "You have already missed work, Joe called me worried that you didn't show up so I came straight here."

She sighed "You didn't need to do that i'm fine."

"Ari, you have a fever. Your sick why didn't you say anything yesterday?"

"I didn't want to bother you. You had your meeting and I knew you would just worry"

"You shouldn't keep things like that to yourself, and I was more worried when Joe called."

"Ok, ok no more secrets. It's probably just the flu or something, I'll be over it in a few days." 

I felt so guilty as I agreed to not keep secrets from her "I'm going to go get you some water"

Walking to  the kitchen, I knew I couldn't avoid it anymore. I had to tell her, time had run out.

Handing her the glass I took a deep breath. "Ari, there's something I need to tell you."

I know it's short there will be more later today. I have a really busy day so I knew It would be LATE tonight untill the next upload, and some of you guys are on different time zones so I didn't want you to have nothing today. So to you guys sorry about the tiny chapter :/ BUT you will have one first thing tomorrow! Hope you like it, please vote and comment!!  More later, I promise!

                                                                                                   Britney =^-^=

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