Chapter Twenty One

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Aribella's POV:

Looking in the mirror I think I had finally managed to remove all the traces of paint. Instead of going out to meet Vince, I found myself glued to this spot. No matter how much I willed myself to move it wasn't happening.

It was like everything that should have concerned me in the past two days had hit me like a brick all at once. The thought of meeting the entire pack was terrifying. When I had first suggested it, I was clouded by Vince's presence. He made everything seem better, but now meeting my future family was throwing me into a panic.

Family, it was a forigen word to me. One that had never been used in my vocabulary. I had never had someone to rely on, someone who depended on me, someone who cared about everything I did, even the small things.

It was something I had craved my entire life, but now that I had a chance at having that family type bond, I wasn't sure that I was cut out for it.

I had always been alone, I'm good at it. What if I couldn't handle the responsibilities that came with being Alpha Female?  What if I couldn't lead them?

The only thing I had ever had remotely close to a "family relationship" with was Joe, which was pretty pathetic considering he was my boss.

Joe! I hadn't even called him to say I wasn't coming in, or that I was even alive! He must be worried, this was the kind of thing that scared me about being in a pack. I had never had to tell people where I was, if I wasn't going going somewhere.

Knocks on the door pulled me from my panicked thoughts.

"Ari, are you okay?" Vince asked as he cracked the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied

"You don't sound fine.....I can tell when your lying. It's part of the mate thing." He said now walking into the room and pulling me into his arms.

That lying thing was going to get annoying fast, I could already tell.

I sighed "I guess i'm just a little freaked out meeting the pack. I'm new to this whole thing, i'm use to being alone Vince. It's what I do, I mean I wasn't even considerate enough to call Joe. He must think i'm dead."

Vince laughed "It's fine to be nervous, i'd be more concerned if you took all of this smoothly. Joe knows you wont be at work, I called him and assured him that you were fine, just a case of the flu. As far as being alone goes, i'm sorry to tell you that's not your thing anymore."

I smiled "Has anyone ever told you how incredibly sweet you are?"

"Nope, now that you mention it I don't think they have.  Now, enough panicking. Lets go meet everyone." He said as he all but dragged me out of the bathroom.

Vince's POV:

Making our way towards the meeting I was glad I had arranged a cookout opposed to the normal meetings held in the conference hall. Hoping the laid back surroundings would help ease Ari's panic. I could practically feel the waves of fear radiate from her as I held her hand.

Finally, reaching the clearing I could see the eager faces of the entire pack, all excited to see who would be the new Alpha Female.

 It had been quite awhile since there had been a female leader in the pack, after my mothers passing there had been no one to fill the role with me being unmated. Noticing my distaste for the entire idea of mating, the pack had given up hope that they would ever see an alpha female in the near future.

I had warned them before not to attack her with questions, and bombard her with chit chat. Stating that she was very new to the idea of a pack or even being a werewolf.

Not that I was worried, I knew she would be a perfect match when I had sensed her alpha blood the very first day. Something I had yet to mention to her, I figured she had enough to take on at the moment.

Feeling Ari tense as she locked eyes with several of our onlookers I whispered in her ear "It's fine, calm down. Their just excited to meet you, I promise."

She seemed to relax a little at my words, when all of a sudden one of the younger children who had been playing, accidentally ran into both of our legs.

Startled at first, she slowly bent down to his level. Not noticing everyone watching her every move "Are you okay? That was quite the spill."

The child's face instantly reddened, as he shyly told her he was fine.

Ari smiled "My names Ari, I love your shirt. Did you know Batman is my very favorite superhero?"

The boy instantly warmed up "Mine too. My names Alex.' He stated proudly

Ari held out her hand helping him off the ground "I have to go talk to the adults for awhile, why don't you go back to your friends and play?"

He frowned "Will you come play when your finished?"

"Of course I would, I promise"

"Ok see you later" He said before running to join the other children.

Standing back up Ari placed her hand back into mine. Seeming oblivious to everyone, including myself witnessing her actions.

I wonder if she had any idea she had just won over the hearts of the entire pack.

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