Chapter Four

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Aribella's POV:

As I served customers I couldn't get my mind off that man. It wasn't because he was so handsome it should be illegal, with his brown hair and chocolate eyes. I felt like I knew him, like I should remember him from somewhere.

I was silently hoping they would drink their drinks faster so he would come back over here. Even though he had shown no interest in me I couldn't help but want to talk to him again.

Tonight had been a slow night to say the least, other than the mysterious man and his friends only two other customers had shown up.

Most of the time I loved nights like this, where I didn't have to serve tons of people while trying to keep everything under control. But with the lack of distraction I just couldn't get him out of my mind.

I was wiping off the bar when a man sat in front of me. I quickly noticed he had been one of the friends at the mystery table. "What can I get you?"

He seemed to think for a moment "Hmm, how about your phone number?"

I laughed "Would you settle for a drink?"

"I suppose that will do" he said as he sighed

After I got his drink he continued to sit "Can I get your name at least?"

"It's Aribella, but you can call me Ari"

"Ari? I like it. I'm Jake"

I held out my hand to shake "Nice to meet you Jake"

He reached out and kissed my hand causing me to blush like crazy. "The pleasure is all mine"

After I recovered from the shock I took my hand back "Your quite the flirt, Sir"

He waggled his eyebrows "I try"

As I glanced back at the table where Jake came from I found three sets of eyes glancing at us. One in particular seemed to be glaring at me...the mystery guy. If looks could kill. "I think your friends are waiting for you"

He sighed "I suppose I should go back but here is my number. You should give me a call."

Vince's POV:

"Vince? VINCE! Man are you okay." Nick yelled breaking me out of my trance

"Yeah, I'm fine why?"

"Because your staring at Jake and that girl like your going to murder them and I think we are going to have to buy this bar a new table."

I glance down where my hand was clenched around the leg of the table. Moving my hand I noticed I had left an indention in the wood. "It's fine I'm just ready to go home. This bars about to close in a few hours anyways"

As I was talking I heard Jake ask the girl her name and my heart sped as I waited for the answer.

"It's Aribella, but you can call me Ari" her sweet voice answered. Then shortly after Jake kissed her hand. It took everything I had not to jump up and strangle him.

As Jake made his way back to our table I told everyone it was time to leave. After we leave my head will be cleared of her scent and I can soon forget all about Ari. Maybe I needed to call one of my regulars to get my mind off things.

On the ride back Jake wouldn't stop talking about her " I really like this girl, maybe shes my mate. I mean I felt drawn to her. What do you think Nick you have a mate does she sound like the one?"

Nick laughed "Buddy, if she was your mate you would know."

He seemed to ponder this for a moment "She could be though"

This set me off "Shes not your mate" I growled

If he noticed my tone he didn't say anything "Well, regardless I gave her my number so maybe she could be a nice fling. I mean with that body..."

"SHUT UP" I roared, just because I didn't want her doesn't mean he gets her.

"Ok man geeze" He continued to glance out the window leaving the car in complete silence for the rest of the ride.

When we got back I quickly retreated to my room, laying on my bed I couldn't get her face, scent, voice, every thing about her out of my head. In a few short hours she had consumed every single one of my thoughts.

Scrolling through my phone I found one of my regulars Melissa. I just need a distraction, soon I wont even remember this Ari girl.

I could practically feel my wolf rolling his eyes at the thought.

Autors Note: Hey Guys! I hope you are enjoying my new novel. I know there are mistakes and i'm trying to edit but please be patient I'm new at this ;) Anyways I really appreciate you reading my novel and feel free to leave comments telling me things that are wrong. Because I know I miss a bunch of the mistakes. Or just leave A comment!!! I would love to hear from you! Also sorry if I have confused anyone but I changed the fourth in commands "Ryan's" name to Jake idk why Ryan just wasn't working. Hope to hear from you soon!

                                                                                               -Britney =^-^=

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