Chapter Twenty Three

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STOP: this is the 2nd chapter I've uploaded today, so if you haven't read it go back or you will eventually be confused :p

Vince's POV:

Later that night we found ourselves sitting on my bed, talking about everything and nothing all at the same time. When all of a sudden Ari shifted and turned facing me.

"Vince, when are you going to take me home?"

I frowned "You are home, your my mate. This is your home now."

"I know, but I have an apartment and a job. A job which I have neglected for the past few days."

"There's no need for you to keep either. As Alpha female there will be plenty for you to do around here."

She made that look she always got when she was angry that terrified me and oddly turned me on at the same time every time she made it.

"I love my job, and I worked hard on my apartment. Joe is like family to me, i'm not going to abandon him."

We were going to have to reach a compromise. Ari was such an independent person I should have known better than to think she would just drop everything and move here. But living separate was no longer an option. I already regretted every second of the time I had wasted trying to ignore her, I wasn't about to waste anymore time.

"Fine how about this, you keep your job and move in here. That way we both compromise, though I think you should cut down some of your hours at the bar. It's not like your going to need the money."

"I don't want you to have to pick me up and drop me off at work everyday like a child and it's too far to walk." She said, still trying to fight me on this.

"Easy, we will just buy you a car. Problem solved."

She sighed "Fine, but I have money saved and now that I don't need to pay rent i'll buy my own car."

I could see that this was as much of a compramise as I was going to get so I reluctantly agreed. 

"Tomorrow I have pack matters to deal with all day, but i'm sure Rose or someone can take you car shopping."

She looked at me like I was crazy "Rose is about to explode, she can't go anywhere. I'll take Jake."

"Jake!" I said a little harsher than I ment to

"Yes Jake, hes my friend. You really need to get over this Jake thing it's not healthy."

"I just don't like him around you, it make me nervous."

She raised her eyebrows "Unless, you don't trust me."

I didn't know much about women but I knew when it was time to shut up.

"I do trust you, I think you and Jake will have a wonderful time." Trying not to gag as they words left my mouth. But nonetheless she seemed satisfied with them as she cuddled into my side. Drifting to sleep.

Soon her breathing became even signaling she was asleep. I felt like a total creeper but all I could do was stare at the beauty before me. I gently pulled her hair through my fingers loving how silky it felt against my skin.

I laid back, deciding I should get some sleep as well causing Ari to burrow further into my side subconsciously.

It wasn't long before I started to drift asleep to the smell of mint chocolate.

Aribella's POV:

"Vince is going to kill me." Jake whined

"I don't remember asking what Vince's opinion would be, I believe I asked for yours." 

"It defiantly has uhh character" He said, eyeing the car with doubt

I couldn't help but love it, when we saw it amongst all the other cars in my price range I knew it was mine. It was an old Volkswagen beetle, not the sleek newer ones you saw all the time.

To say it had character was putting it lightly. The orange paint was still visible through the years of rust and wear. But I loved it. It ran and it was in my price range. Luckily, for identification purposes I had been allowed to get my licence at 16 so that wasn't a problem. All that was left was to sign the papers.

"What about this car, it looks way more reliable and less liikely to get me murdered." Jake said with a hopeful look on his face.

"Nope, Vince isn't going to kill you." I said with a smile on my face.

Jake looked at me like I was insane "Are we talking about the same person, oh wait! He doesn't take his anger issues out on you."

I laughed "Just go back to the house, i'm going to go sign the papers and then head over to my place to get some clothes."

After purchasing my new (to me) car I drove back to my apartment. I had forgotten how much I loved to drive, not that walking was such a bad thing. But driving felt so freeing.

I wasn't surprised to spot Vince's truck as I pulled into the parking lot. Complete with a frowning Vince sitting on the front as he eyed my car disapprovingly.

"Ari this is ridiculous, we need to take it back. Let me buy you a better car than that." He said in a rush before I could even fully get out of the car.

"No, don't pick on my car."

"That's not a car, that's a death trap."

"Hmm, good thing i'm a werewolf then huh."

He huffed "You can still get hurt or die Ari. Don't kid around about stuff like that.

"The car stays, now i'm going to go grab some clothes and go to work."

"Fine, bye. Be safe" He said clearly not pleased

"Bye, and don't take this out on Jake. He didn't do it."

He ignored me as he got into his truck. Taking off as I suppressed a laugh at his little temper tantrum.

After fetching some things from my apartment I made my way towards the bar, feeling comforted by the familiar surroundings. It seemed like nothing had been normal about the past few days and walking into the bar was just what I needed.

"Ari! Is that you? I'm suprisedI can still reconise you!" Joe yelled as he pulled me into a hug.

I laughed "Of coarse it's me, who else would willingly come work for you?"

"I was worried about you kid, was going to come check on you but Vince said you were at his place." He said, voice full of concern.

"I was fine, Vince took care of me.." I was cut off by Joe placing his hands over his ears.

"Uh uh, no details. Your like my kid thats gross." 

Causing me to turn red as I got to work.

Work had gone by fast and before I knew it, it was time to leave. Joe had left early with a headache, leaving me to close up.

As I made my way to my car I was excited to drive again, a feeling that was quickly destroyed as I looked up to find an exact replica of my orange bug. Only brand new, covered in shiny paint. Complete with bells and whistles. 

I felt my face heat with anger as I screamed "VINCE!"

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