Chapter Fourteen

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Just to avoid confusion this chapter starts a month after the kiss/ chapter thirteen. I felt like this was the best way to keep the story from becoming boring. But don't worry this story is not anywhere close to being finished.

Vince's POV:

It had been a month since I had first kissed Ari and my entire life had, if possible, changed even more. Everyday was better than the last and I just couldn't be with her enough.

Like most days I was now sitting on the couch sulking until time to go pick her up from work. After about a week of sitting, watching her as she worked Ari claimed she couldn't concentrate on anything with me there and that I had to have better things to do.

At first I had Nick to help me ease my bordeom but now Rose was within days of her due date leaving me staring at the clock willing the numbers to move faster.

However, lately I had been growing more and more anxious knowing that I needed to tell Ari about being a wolf. I just didn't know how to start.

 "Hey Ari, guess what I'm a werewolf. Wait, it gets better so are you. Oh and by the way we're mates"

Yeah that would go over well, I could picture her screaming as she ran away. As much as I wanted to avoid the conversation I knew it was an inevitable one.

Ari was now a ticking time bomb, everyday we were together was another day closer to her first change.

It wouldn't happen without warning though, first she would experience sever flu like symptoms leading to the change.

I was not looking forward to seeing my mate in such pain, I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to keep myself  under control. But I knew that she would need me there and hopefully that would be enough to keep my wolf calm.

Finally it was time to go see Ari, quickly grabbing my key I made my way towards her work.

Walking inside I was greeted by Joe "Hey Vince, Ari's just finishing up in back she should be out in a minute."

"So how are you today Joe?"

Over the past few weeks I have grown to like Joe. I use to be jealous of his and Ari's relationship but it hadn't taken long to see that he saw her as a daughter.

"I'm fine, I'll be better when that slack employee of mine finishes so I can go home." He said loud enough so it could be heard from the back room.

Ari came out with her hands on her hips "Yeah, yeah you will be thanking me tomorrow when everything has already been restocked."

Making her way over to me she gave me a quick kiss "Hey you."

 "Hi, you ready to go?"

"Yep, lets go. Bye Old man"

Joe laughed "Bye love birds. Go make me some nieces and nephews."

A statement that had caused Ari to blush all the way to the truck. I laughed, she was so cute when she blushed. Which was quite a lot, mostly anytime the subject of "baby making" came up. Which was fine with me I was willing to wait for her.

I know crazy coming from the past man whore, but I was in no rush. Just being around her was enough for me untill she was ready.

Now at her apartment building I didn't even ask to come in, I just followed her up. By now it was just our daily routine.

She yawned making her way towards the kitchen "Are you hungry?"

I quickly declined, grimacing at the thought of her cooking. I loved my mate but she could not cook.

"No thanks, I ate before I left."

Which wasn't a lie, I had learned the hard way to eat before I came over.

She shrugged seeming to accept my half lie.

"So, what did you do today?"

"I did some work and then I waited impatiently for my girlfriend to get off work since I am no longer allowed near the building while shes working."

 She stuck out her tongue causing me to laugh and pull her onto my lap.

"Ari, I have to tell you something."

"What? Is something wrong?" She asked with a panicked look on her face.

"No, nothings wrong, I just have to go away for a week on a business trip."

I was dreading leaving her but I couldn't postpone anymore. I had to meet with our neighboring pack. We needed their alliance in case we were ever under attack. 

I didn't know what was worse, leaving Ari, or having to put up with Jake all week. I would normally take Nick but for obvious reasons he couldn't afford to leave Rose. Leaving me with Jake since Greg was going to stay and help Nick keep things under control with the pack.

Ari sighed "I'm going to miss you, when do you leave on this business trip?"

As far as Ari knew I was in charge of the family business. Which wasn't that far from the truth,
I hated lying to her but she would know the truth behind my business soon enough.

"I leave tomorrow morning, and I'm going to miss you too. But, we can call each other and your probably going to get tired of my constant texting."

She laughed "I could never get tired of you."

For the rest of the night we sat on her couch kissing, talking, and just being comforted by each others presence. I tried to burn her scent into my mind as I held her.

 Eventually she started to doze off, signaling it was time for me to go.  I didn't want to leave but she needed her sleep and I needed to prepare for the meeting.

After we reluctantly said our goodbyes I found myself driving home trying desperately not to go back and forget about the meeting all together.

I sighed, it's going to be a long week.

So I hope you guys like this chapter even though I skipped some time. But I really felt it would be boring if I didn't. Look for chapter 15 soon!

                                                                                         Britney =^-^=


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